
GeoWorld September 2012

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brings together the Insight 2-D and 3-D platforms with Line of Sight and lays the foundation for a fully immersive, socially interactive AR environment with the proven security of its predecessors. New Reality brings together spatial and mobile technology, and makes it available to everyone. This is genuine, mobile AR, and it will make squinting into a smartphone or fumbling with a QR code reader a thing of the past. One smartphone replaces the phone, camera, lap- top and GPS. The newest and most cutting-edge tech- nologies don't exist in silos, but are elegant combina- tions of open languages; they're platforms for users to come together to share experiences. The isolating and homogenizing establishments that controlled our parents' flow of information have all but collapsed; the new technology is allowing people to find each other across geopolitical and socioeconomic boundaries. Emerging technology isn't a better screen or more- efficient car, but the means to massively distribute information networks in the relentless pursuit of con- necting with each other. The most advanced technolo- gies to emerge will be nearly imperceptible extensions of our senses that augment our real lives and commu- nities. They will help seamlessly knit together "silos of like-interest" distributed widely across the globe. They will reunite us with our lost tribes. AR platforms such as New Reality promise to transform social geobrowsers into seamless extensions of human experience. Brandon Thompson is business development and marketing coordinator, Cloverpoint; e-mail: SPATIAL MATTERS Now Available! GEOTEC MEDIA INTRODUCES Geospatial Matters: Developed specifi cally for the geospatial academic environment, Geospatial Matters is the perfect teaching tool and a must-read for undergraduates, graduates, researchers, policy makers and others interested in GIS fundamentals. Exploring the Implications of a Digital Earth, a collection of some of the best GeoWorld magazine columns written by renowned authorities Jerome Dobson, Nigel Waters, Jeremy Crampton and Daniel Sui. This 270-page book captures a broad perspective of geospatial technology tools and applications, and promises to motivate and inspire discussion about the implications of the technology in today's society. To view the contents, or place your order— $3945 . Order online at SEPTEMBER 2O12 / WWW . GEOPLA CE . COM 29

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