
December 2017

Overdrive Magazine | Trucking Business News & Owner Operator Info

Issue link: http://read.dmtmag.com/i/911782

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Page 39 of 75

38 | Overdrive | December 2017 I n Overdrive's annual CSA's Data Trail update this year, after a few years of decline in the totals overall, RigDig's count of inspections associated with a U.S. Department of Transportation number increased by more than 4 percent. For- tunately for operators, those additional thousands of inspections can be attribut- ed in part to an infl ux of inspections that contained no violation. All but eight of the 48 continental United States showed small to marked increases in the percentage of inspections that were clean, which helps a carrier's CSA scores. Last year was the fi rst full year to pass since those scores were pulled behind Increasing inspections are back, but reduced violations, more clean inspections and a focus on crash-related behavior add measure of fairness to CSA. BY TODD DILLS A silver lining Go online to OverdriveOnline.com/CSA to see state- by-state variations in inspection intensity, violation priorities and other metrics in both mapped views and a download report that ranks all 48 continental states by intensity of focus on various violation categories, violations per inspection, clean inspec- tions and more. All inspection and violation data was mined from the federal system by RigDig Business Intelligence, RigDigBI.com. OverdriveOnline.com/CSA

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