
December 2017

Overdrive Magazine | Trucking Business News & Owner Operator Info

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56 | Overdrive | December 2017 CUSTOM RIGS Untitled-6 1 11/13/17 1:13 PM D anny Lea had his eye on this 1963 Mack B-75 for more than two years before he was able to con- vince the previous owner's widow to sell it to him in 2011. Lea, owner of milk hauling opera- tion Danny Lea Trucking of Tylertown, Mississippi, says he wanted to rebuild it to teach his grandchildren about "what trucking used to be." The 18-month rebuild included removing Bondo patching the rusted cab, rebuilding the engine, fi xing up the Old Mack fi nds Fountain of Youth The interior of Lea's truck matches the exterior, with candy apple red paint and dark gray accents. The shifter knobs are apples, a nod to the truck's color. Danny Lea bought this 1963 Mack B-75 in 2011, rebuilt it from top to bottom and showed it this year at Overdrive's Pride & Polish. interior, repainting and more. Lea did all the mechanical work, and Northshore Customs of Mandeville, Louisiana, took care of the interior. Lea replaced the original 4-inch stacks with 7-inch versions and replaced the rusted aluminum fuel tanks with tanks donated by Docar Truck Parts of Covington, Louisiana. He also changed out the steel wheels for aluminum ones. The truck originally was painted Corvette red, but Lea wanted candy apple red. "I found out when painting this truck that there are actually fi ve diff erent shades of candy apple red," he said. "We de- cided this one looked best." The truck made its Pride & Polish debut at the Great Ameri- can Trucking Show in Dallas, where it fi nished third in the Antique Bobtail category. "This is my fi rst time bringing her out, and I learned I have a long way to go," Lea said at the show. "This isn't the end of it, though. We'll be back." BY MATT COLE

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