Good Fruit Grower

December 2012

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over Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam Insulation. Ignition Barrier code compliance • Water Based, Nontoxic, Nonhazardous. • Environmentally friendly. • Color = white. Seal-TB™, Intumescent Coating for Thermal and Flame sprinklers and lighting as required by State of Caifornia. ⁄2 Introducing FLAME SEAL-TB™ (fire coating) Flame Seal™ over 41 " spray in place urethane foam. Shows fire Flame Seal-TB™ is a white intumescent, industrial coating for use on spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation. Can replace cementitious fire coating used in the past. Flame Seal-TB™ has received ICC certifications. SPF properly coated with Flame Seal-TB™ will meet Thermal Barrier requirements of IBC 2603.4.1.6 and ICC-ES ac377 Appendix X. Environmental Regulations: Compliant with FDA/USDA for incidental food contact. Flame Seal-TB™ is washable. Insulation Systems for Concrete Sandwich Panels J-Core™ utilizes predrilled high-density, closed-cell, expanded-polystyrene insulation board with 1-milliliter polyethylene facer on both sides to act as a slip sheet bond breaker to complete the noncomposite design. The connector ties are manufactured from heat and alkaline-resistant, engineered polymers to connect the concrete wythes of the sandwich panels through the insulation layer. The insulation board is a single layer application (up to 6" in thickness) to help reduce labor cost. Specialty Insulated Doors for Cold Storage and CA Columbia Reach CA Facility in Yakima, Washington, shows CA doors with inclement weather hoods. Don Jordan SINCE 1983 1501 Madison Ave • Yakima, WA 98902 • Toll Free 800.871.1885 • Office 509.457.8892 Energy Systems, Inc. Visit our exhibit at the Washington Hort Show Dec. 3-5, Booth #705/707/709 ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. DONJORDAN

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