Good Fruit Grower

December 2012

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QUICK BITES Read more Quick Bites at short course covering the principles of fruit and nut tree growth, crop- ping, and management next spring. The class is meant to give access to pomology education in less time and at less cost than traditional university classes. The two-week-long course, designed for growers, community college offered T and university students, and tree fruit and nut industry professionals, will be held from February 25 through March 7 at the UC Davis Conference Center. The first week includes lectures, hands-on exercises, and field demonstrations. Lecture topics are: • Basics of how trees work • Ideal climatic and soil conditions for tree fruit and nut crops • Dormancy, chill requirements, and rest breaking • How trees grow and what determines architecture • Understanding cropping, pollination, and fruit set • How trees use water and nutrients • Fruit growth and development • Harvest and harvest indices • Postharvest quality and technology Hands-on exercises and field demonstrations include: • Bearing habits • Measuring fruit quality and fruit tasting • Pruning, training, and light management Ted DeJong will be the lead instructor in a new two-week short course offered by the University of California, Davis. Pomology course he University of California Coopera- tive Extension is presenting a new D etails and registration information are available at the Web site: http://fruitandnut For more informa- tion, call or e-mail Brooke Jacobs at (530) 754-9708, bsjacobs@ • Root excavations • Budding and grafting • Measurement of plant water status and irrigation scheduling • Measurement of plant nutrient status and fertilization scheduling Students will participate in a four-day tour in fruit and nut growing regions of northern and central California in the sec- ond week. The tour will stop to visit com- mercial nurseries, packing houses, retail outlets, experimental plots, and private orchards. Field demonstrations are scheduled at the UC Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Parlier and the Nickels Soil Laboratory in Arbuckle. Course instructors, who have more than 100 years of combined experience in the tree fruit industry, are Ted DeJong, UC specialist and plant physiologist; Vito Polito, UC Davis professor; Kevin Day, UC extension advisor for Tulare County; R. Scott Johnson, UC extension specialist, Kearney; and Carlos Crisosto, UC extension specialist in postharvest physiology. Attendees will receive a certificate after completing the course. A Growing Legacy Since 1816 Our new 2012/2013 Commercial Catalog featuring new and exclusive varieties is in the mail now! Look for Stark Bro's booth at upcoming shows. call 800-435-8733 today! Stark Bro's Nurseries & Orchards Co. 68 DECEMBER 2012 GOOD FRUIT GROWER photo courtesy of uc davis

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