
January 2013

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play in your free time Artist���s Corner: Juliette Crane A talented artist paints the way for others to follow their dreams By Karin Wolf Her owls, girls, and other whimsical characters are as sweet, sensitive, smart and irresistible as their creator. Call it ���family resemblance��� but when you see these unique images online or around town, their characteristic style gives them away as unmistakably Juliette Crane. This artist is also a teacher, storyteller, adventurer and entrepreneur. Through her website, Crane has created a series of online art, mixed media, and inspiration courses, and will release an e-book this spring on how she built her successful creative business. Her work has been published in Glamour UK, Somerset Studio Gallery, and Artful Blogging, and on blog sites that include My Owl Barn, CRESCENDOh and Do What You Love. If you had a 20-25 word Twitter speech on art, what would it be? Your story and your dreams are important. If you have an idea, just start somewhere. Anything is possible. Live a life you love. What surprises you most about teaching art online? It has surprised me that so many people across the globe are looking for opportunities to connect and be creative. My job is to connect those people to one another in my courses and to create a space where they feel encouraged and inspired enough to share their artwork and support one another. Fill in the blank. You know you are an artist when ___________. Everyone is an artist. I see art in the way my best friend teaches yoga, the way my dad sets the table, the way my mom arranges flowers, and in the way my husband cooks. Each person has their unique interpretation and way of expressing themselves, even if they���d never consider it art. ��������� For more information on Crane���s work and classes, visit Book Club: Female icons in print Solo: A Memoir of Hope By Hope Solo The goalkeeping powerhouse of the U.S. women���s soccer team reveals how she relied on fierce determination to rebuild a broken relationship with her father, while struggling with setbacks and career-threatening injuries. Published by Harper Collins Publishers, $25. 58 BRAVA Magazine Counting One���s Blessings: The Selected Letter of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother By William Shawcross Gain insight into the private person behind the public face with a delightful sampling of the Queen Mother���s insightful and witty personal correspondence. Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $30. January 2013 Adele: A Celebration of an Icon and Her Music By Sarah-Louise James The perfect eye candy to accompany Adele���s infectious songs, this pictorial volume follows her rise from humble beginnings to worldwide fame. Published by Sterling, $20. Photo by Shanna Wolf What was the last thing you saw in nature that inspired your work? Everything inspires me. I take nature walks daily���not so much for direct inspiration, but more so to fill myself up and get grounded. From that centered place I can take in what I need from the rest of the world and filter it out through my heart and into the characters in my paintings.

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