City Trees

March/April 2019

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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Learn more! Call 800.698.4641 or visit for information and videos Our advanced technology for tree treatment allows you to INCREASE THE NUMBER OF TREES YOU TREAT IN A DAY! ◆ No drilling damage ◆ No mixing at job sites ◆ No guarding or return trips ◆ No waiting for uptake ◆ Treats most trees in five minutes or less! ◆ Successful and most profitable add-on service Multiple injection tips designed for all types of trees, conifers and palms Multiple injection tips designed for all types of trees, conifers and palms Insecticides • Fungicides • PGRs Antibiotics • MicroNutrients Now Available for Aphids, Caterpillars, Scale, Japanese Beetles, Leaf Miners, Leafhoppers and other pests Retriever ™ Insecticide Municipal arborists and urban foresters have been using the ArborSystems Wedgle Direct-Inject Tree Injection Systems to control pests, prevent disease and boost tree health since 1993. The Wedgle is the only trunk injection method that does not require drilling, preventing drilling damage, long- term wounding and wasted tree energy. Multiple or annual injections can be made without injuring the tree, conifer or palm. It injects chemical directly into the active zone delivering faster results. Homeowners are appreciative as the self- sealing chemical packs and sealed injection system virtually eliminates exposure concerns. The chemicals are injected directly into the tree, not on the lawn, car or play equipment. Tree professionals have no need for signs telling homeowners to stay off the grass when they use a Wedgle. And once the tree is injected with the chemical, it is done. No waiting for uptake or guarding the tree (or coming back later to collect chemical containers). ArborSystems has a full range of chemicals including insecticides, fungicides, PGRs, antibiotics and micronutrients. And hundreds of trees can be treated non-stop with ArborSystems High-Volume Kit. No tools, equipment, or power supply are needed. Simply attach the transfer line to the Wedgle Direct-Inject unit injector and 1000 ml chemical packs, prime, and inject. The kit can make up to 1,000 injections without reloading chemicals. Effective Trunk Injection Treatment: Emerald Ash Borer. Diplodia Tip Blight. Anthracnose. To learn more, call 800-698-4641 or visit their website: No sign of trunk injections after five years of treatment for anthracnose on these Sycamore tree trunks using ArborSystems Wedgle Direct- Inject Tree Injection Systems and Shepherd fungicide Emamectin Benzoate is now available from ArborSystems for two-year control of Emerald Ash Borer and other insects and mite pests. ArborSystems has been treating ash trees for EAB since 2002. - advertorial - - advertorial - Urban forester treating elm trees wearing the ArborSystems High Volume Kit back pack. Treated Untreated

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