Good Fruit Grower

February 15

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Page 2 of 47 FEATURES DISEASES & DISORDERS 8 11 12 Growers have several choices in fireblight control Two new fireblight products are coming���hopefully soon. Coppers are a fit for organic production Fireblight, antibiotics and the NOSB David Granatstein explains why decisions by the National Organic Standards Board can have a dramatic impact on the farm. 16 18 20 22 24 A new fireblight-resistant apple variety Switzerland���s Ladina has resistance to multiple diseases. How the NOSB makes decisions The NOSB has the ultimate say over which materials can be used in organic agriculture. Behind the scenes at the NOSB Harold Austin is the first from Washington State to serve on the board. Who���s on the NOSB? An expensive grape disorder Berry or sour shrivel can be difficult to distinguish from other problems. 12 IRRIGATION 26 28 30 24 32 16 34 Top 5 points when installing irrigation When installing irrigation, first of all, choose drip. Saving water in early peaches Irrigate grapes early if winter is dry Inadequate soil moisture can delay grape bud break and vine growth. Part II: Enhancing biocontrol Second in an 8-part series from WSU: Natural enemy inventory��� Knowing what���s in your orchard helps to stabilize your IPM program. A replacement for Tiberon MaxCel will cause branching on nursery trees, but it takes more sprays. 40 B.C. co-op seeks higher returns A large crop put pressure on the industry���s weakest link��� its storage facilities. GOOD FRUIT GROWER FEBRUARY 15, 2013 3

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