Water Well Journal

July 2019

Water Well Journal

Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/1130638

Contents of this Issue


Page 2 of 79

PUMPING UP THE STANDARD. At A.Y. McDonald, you aren't just getting a product; you are getting an innovative solution, access to educational opportunities, and the ability to be treated like family. The customer is the boss and we aim to break the mold on how we reach customer satisfaction. Because in the end, without you, there would be no us. sales@aymcdonald.com I 800.292.2737 I aymcdonald.com E-SERIES JET & SPRINKLER PUMPS Experience a high quality product and a performance worth bragging about with the E-Series Jet Pump. Since all of A.Y. McDonald's 163 years of experience went into the creation of this solution, we dare you to see what all the fuss is about!

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