Water Well Journal

February 2020

Water Well Journal

Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/1201809

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Page 59 of 59

The MudPuppy® was designed to efficiently remove rocks and sand from drill mud, making the mud and jobsite cleaner. With clean mud the problems of wear and tear on the mud pump, drill string, and other parts are reduced dramatically. The hole is cleaner with less wall cake, making for a more productive well. Each MudPuppy® is outfitted with a high wear CHROME centrifugal pump. Chrome ensures a longer life with higher RPM. 442.242.7507 | craigh@mudpuppyinc.com | Tibban.com SAVE MONEY WITH CLEAN MUD RECYCLES THE MUD & DUMPS THE CRUD MP170-2SC Pick up and clean up to 350 GPM. Built with with a 118 Pump— Chrome with Mechanical Seal. MP255-2SC Pick up and clean up to 500 GPM. Built with with a 118 Pump—Chrome with enhanced Mechanical Seal. MP255-100 Pick up and clean up to 500 gpm @ 200 psi, with a 250 Pump and 118 Pump—Chrome with enhanced Mechanical Seal.

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