
April 2013

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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FIELD STATUS RECOMMENDATIONS Cranberry Township will maintain a web page ( that provides daily field status recommendations of "open" or "closed" for Graham Park based on the playability, safety, and saturation of the athletic fields. The page will be updated Monday through Friday at 11am and at 9pm Friday and Saturday evening for the following day's play. If fields are listed as "closed" on the Township's website, Partner Association leaders have the opportunity to overwrite the decision since field playability may improve between the time of the web posting and scheduled play. Similarly, if a field is listed as "open" and precipitation deteriorates conditions so that field damage or unsafe conditions ensue, Partner Associations are responsible for cancelling or suspending play. Field damage will be addressed by the steps outlined in the following "Progressive Action Plan." DETERMINING FIELD SATURATION In order to make the determination of field saturation an objective measure, the grounds staff will use a Lincoln Soil Moisture Meter to read the level of water present in the soil. The meter reads 0-10 with 10 being complete saturation of the soil. When the meter reads 10, the field will be deemed too wet for use and designated as "closed." The grounds staff will use the meter on a minimum of 3 locations on each field: center field, goal mouths, and in the case of baseball/softball fields, the location of position players in the outfield. Readings will be taken as close to the webpage posting time as possible. PROGRESSIVE ACTION PLAN FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 1) The Grounds Maintenance Manager or designated Cranberry Township representative will inspect fields daily to determine if damage has been sustained that reduces the safety and playability of the surface. 2) Dated photos will document field conditions when damage occurs. Photos are stored on the Township's (W:) drive and are available upon request. 3) Fields will be closed as necessary for rest and renovation following events which cause damage and reduce safety. Users will be notified of rest periods on the Township's website and signs will be posted signifying the field as "closed." Cranberry Township may employ measures such as temporary fencing to isolate playing surfaces while renovation and grow-in is undertaken to restore safe playing conditions. 4) Continued or un-repairable damage by Partner Associations or other permitted users will result in the discontinuation of the agronomic maintenance program except for mowing. Primary field users will be notified in advance of Cranberry Township's intentions to change, discontinue, or temporarily suspend field maintenance programs. 5) Cranberry Township reserves the right to choose a third party regarded as an "athletic field expert" to settle disputes regarding the playability, safety, or un-repairable status of a field and its resultant rest and renovation period. An expert will be chosen through affiliation with a university and work in the field of agronomy or hold the minimum title of Director in a company specializing in athletic field maintenance. n For the full policy manual, see http://www.cranberrytownship. org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/16788

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