Key Milwaukee

May 2020

An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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4 A welcome from your KEY to Metro Milwaukee It's safe to say we are living in unprecedented times. On our March issue's publication date, we were looking forward to a massive influx of Milwaukee visitors during the spring, summer and fall. Then, seemingly overnight, upcoming meetings, concerts, sporting events and more were cancelled or postponed as the coronavirus pandemic spread throughout Wisconsin, the U.S. and the world. Currently, the resources of national and state governments, as well as the private sector, are being marshaled to combat this epidemic. In the Milwaukee Metro area, for example, General Electric's healthcare operations are stepping up production of ventilators and other equipment essential to the diagnosis and treatment of the coronavirus (also called COVID-19). We cannot predict when normal activity will resume. But we are confident that as we all pull together, medical advances and changes in behavior will counter this pandemic. KEY's guiding philosophy always has been that success is possible only through strong relationships and partnerships. Please support the businesses, arts groups, and public institutions you see listed in these pages in any way you can. That's the KEY to Milwaukee Strong! Laure Leplae-Arthur Publisher

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