Our members do great things throughout the year! The SMA
Awards Committee is seeking nominations for awards and
honors that will be presented during our virtual conference on
Thursday, November 19, 2020. Please nominate deserving indi-
viduals or organizations for one or more of the awards listed
below. To nominate someone, go to https://bit.ly/2BduzOD.
Just fill in the short nomination form, or type up nomination
information and email it to scothrel@uaoh.net. Nominations
are due Friday, Sept. 25. A list of past winners is available on
the SMA website as a reference. Thank you in advance!
Award of Merit
For advancing the
profession of arboriculture
and urban forestry
The Award of Merit, the highest honor
the Society can bestow, recognizes
outstanding meritorious services by
a member who advances the princi-
pals, ideals, and practices of municipal
arboriculture and urban forestry.
Award of Achievement
For advancing the public's
commitment to community
trees and forests
The Award of Achievement is presented
to a member who has clearly advanced
the public's awareness of and com-
mitment to urban forests and trees.
Honorary Life Membership
For career contributions
to the Society
Honorary Life Membership is granted
to members of the Society who have
contributed materially, substantially,
and unselfishly to support and promote
the Society and its mission over time.
Honorary Membership
For substantive contributions
of non-members to the
Society's mission
Honorary Membership for a full year
is granted to individuals who are not
members of the Society to recognize
continuing commitment and outstanding
service to advancing municipal arbori-
culture and urban forestry.
Legacy Project of the Year Award
For an innovative project,
program, or partnership that
has demonstrated results
The Legacy Project of the Year Award is
presented to an agency or organization
that has raised public awareness and
appreciation of community trees and
urban forests through a unique and
innovative project, program, or part-
nership that includes the work of an
ISA Certified Municipal Specialist or an
SMA Accredited Municipal Program.
i-Tree Innovation Award
For creative applications
of i-Tree tools to enhance
community forest management
The i-Tree innovation award is
awarded to a member, agency, or
community for successful implemen-
tation of a project or program using
i-Tree as an integral component.
Please direct questions
or correspondence to:
Steve Cothrel, Chair SMA
Awards Committee
3600 Tremont Rd. Upper
Arlington, OH 43221
(614) 583-5340
SMA AWARDS Nominations
Due September 25