Water Well Journal

November 2020

Water Well Journal

Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/1299709

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Page 66 of 67

For all your waterwell drilling needs Fast. Friendly. reliable. get all three at no extra charge From star iron works. Star Iron Works 257 Caroline Street Punxsutawney Pa 15767 Phone: 814.427.2555 Fax: 814.427.5164 Toll Free: 1.800.927.0560 www.starironworks.com Professional drillers know they can get a full-line of waterwell drilling products from Star Iron Works, but it's our personalized service that brings 'em back again. Proven Products As a direct manufacturer, we supply pipe and tool for efficiently drilling through all types of substances. From rocky New England to the sandy soils of Maryland or the cobbles and cave-ins of Michi- gan, Star can supply virtually everything you need. Knowledgeable People Star Iron Works technical personnel have hands-on experience with all aspects of waterwell drilling. Our many friends in the industry have learned to depend on Star's problem-solving expertise with standard equipment or custom-designed tooling. Responsive Service Our staff and consultants give Star a broad knowledge base. This know-how drives our products development and world-class service standards. If we cannot help you on the phone, qualified Star technicians can be dispatched to troubleshoot on-site. Please let us give you the "Star treatment." Before you start your next drilling project, call Star Iron Works toll-free at 1.800.927.0560. For all your waterwell drilling needs Fast. Friendly. reliable. get all three at no extra charge From star iron works. Star Iron Works 257 Caroline Street Punxsutawney Pa 15767 Phone: 814.427.2555 Fax: 814.427.5164 Toll Free: 1.800.927.0560 www.starironworks.com Professional drillers know they can get a full-line of waterwell drilling products from Star Iron Works, but it's our personalized service that brings 'em back again. Proven Products As a direct manufacturer, we supply pipe and tool for efficiently drilling through all types of substances. From rocky New England to the sandy soils of Maryland or the cobbles and cave-ins of Michi- gan, Star can supply virtually everything you need. Knowledgeable People Star Iron Works technical personnel have hands-on experience with all aspects of waterwell drilling. Our many friends in the industry have learned to depend on Star's problem-solving expertise with standard equipment or custom-designed tooling. Responsive Service Our staff and consultants give Star a broad knowledge base. This know-how drives our products development and world-class service standards. If we cannot help you on the phone, qualified Star technicians can be dispatched to troubleshoot on-site. Please let us give you the "Star treatment." Before you start your next drilling project, call Star Iron Works toll-free at 1.800.927.0560.

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