Tobacco Asia

Volume 25 - Number 1

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Universal Corporation is the leading global leaf tobacco supplier. Our modern production methods allow us the flexibility to quickly adapt to new ideas, customer requirements and industry trends. Universal has a diversified range of capabilities for value-added products and services that we can offer our customers, including: • e formulation of tobacco blends, including shisha and ongoing blend maintenance. • High-quality liquid nicotine that exceeds U.S. Pharmacopeia standards, and is extracted and purified in our cGMP facility. • Laboratory facilities that are ISO 17025 accredited, and offer reliable analytical testing services for your tobacco, smoke, shisha, e-liquid and vapor product needs. • Expertise in naturally reconstituted tobacco. We provide our customers high-quality filler, binder, wrapper, one-leaf, and tipping paper which can be tailored to their specific needs. WE ARE TOBACCO ALL YOUR TOBACCO NEEDS IN ONE COMPANY Universal is consistently looking for ways to serve our customers' current and future needs in the global market. Contact us to discuss how Universal can help you move ahead of the competition. Congratulations to Tobacco Asia Magazine on its 25th Anniversary

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