Turf Line News

June/July 2013

Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/137861

Contents of this Issue


Page 27 of 47

wcta12jj--rev 6/18/13 11:42 AM Page 1 Education Program and Trade Show: On behalf of the conference organizing committee and WCTA Board of Directors, thank you to our sponsors, suppliers and of course delegates, for attending the 2013 show. We would also like to thank the Penticton Conference Centre and Lakeside Hotel's hospitality and hard work to ensure the production was flawless. And if it wasn't for the tremendous efforts of the Kwantlen University Turf Club, things just would not have happened so effortlessly. Thanks also to our conference staff team who come together once per year but operate like a group that works together daily and thanks to hometown hero, Larry Olson for his onsite efforts over the past year of organizational legwork that is put into an event of this scale. We hope to see everyone at our 2014 Joint Conference and Trade Show being organized in partnership with the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association and taking place in Vancouver February 17-21. TOM SERENSITS SPORTSFIELD PRE-CON SEMINAR SPORTSFIELD TRACK TIME TO CHAT AT THE MENTOR BOOTH DALE MILLER GOLF PRE-CON SEMINAR GOLF TRACK ACTION AT THE BOOTHS SYD RUNS ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL THANKS FOR SPEAKING RON AND THANKS SILENT AUCTION TO ALL OUR SPEAKERS THANKS TO OUR STUDENT HELPERS! 28 WESTERN CANADA TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION PASSING OF THE GAVEL TO NEW WCTA PRESIDENT, KEITH LYALL

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