STiR coffee and tea magazine

Volume 11, Number 1

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T E A D R I V E N I N N O V A T I O N What makes IMA your unique partner today goes beyond 50 years of experience and sector-specifi c knowledge. It encompasses more than a cluster of expert brands providing a comprehensive variety of services across the world. Much more than the broadest range of tea bagging equipment for all needs and all budgets. IMA is simply more than a combination of services, companies, expertise and machines. IMA is the partner who will bring your ideas to life with innovative solutions, unlike any other. IMA S.p.A. - TEA & HERBS Division • EQUIPMENT OVERHAUL SERVICE GLOBAL COVERAGE WIDE CHOICE OF BAGS EXTENSIVE PACKAGING VARIETY FANNINGS OR LONG LEAF TEA PACKAGING Tea Bag Packaging Machines Tea Bag Packaging Machines

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