Good Fruit Grower

August 2013

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5 The Top Five The top 5 ways to ensure APPLES STORE WELL As production increases, good storability becomes even more critical. by Richard Lehnert pple growers are preparing to bring in a moderately large crop of fruit, estimated in June at above 250 million bushels, up 20 percent from 215 million last year. Many of these apples will need to be stored for a full marketing year. So, how do growers make sure their apples will store well? Good Fruit Grower put that question to Dr. Jennifer DeEll, the postharvest physiologist and Fresh Market Quality Program leader at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Simcoe, Ontario. Here are some of her recommendations: For good storage life, apples must be picked at optimum maturity. The standard starch iodine test is the easiest approach. The best levels for Honeycrisp are different. 1 Apply fungicides. Use a late-season fungicide spray program that will reduce the level of pathogens that come into storage from the orchard. Many storage rots are initiated in the orchard, she said, and often there are no preharvest symptoms. Decaycausing organisms include Alternaria alternata (moldy core), Colletotrichum acutatum (bitter rot), Botrytis cinerea (gray mold), and Penicillium expansum (blue mold). These organisms are resident in the environment and can invade fruit through lenticels or wounds, such as stem punctures. It is good practice to sanitize storage rooms and bins before using them in the fall. 2 Pick fruit at optimum maturity. Harvesting at the correct time is essential. For maximum storage life, apples should be harvested when mature but not yet fully ripe or overripe. If harvested too early, apples will have poor eating quality and be susceptible to storage disorders such as scald, cork spot, and bitter pit. Ripe fruit will continue to ripen in storage, rapidly becoming soft and mealy. Firmness and the level of soluble solids in the apple are good indicators of maturity to use in determining picking time. With some of the modern super-red varieties, maturity is not easy to gauge by color. Background color change is an indicator—if the background color is visible. About Plant Patents… The following varieties are protected under United States Plant Patent Law. Any propagation or topworking by unlicensed persons without prior written permission is prohibited. Apples: Cherries: Braeburn: Benton® USPP #15,847 Mariri Red Braeburn (Eve®) USPP #11,604 BlackGold™ USPP #17,301 Joburn Braeburn™ USPP #11,992 Cowiche™ USPP #21,073 Early Robin® USPP #13,951 Gala: Index™ USPP #10,459 Brookfield® Gala USPP #10,016 Kiona™ USPP #20,526 Buckeye® Gala USPP #10,840 Kootenay USPP #18,849 Ultima Gala™ USPP #13,753 Pinedale Ruby™ USPP #21,200 Ambrosia® USPP #10,789 Regina™ USPP #11,530 Blondee USPP #19,007 Skeena USPP #11,392 Cameo® Brand (Caudle cv.) USPP #9,068 Selah® USPP #16,135 Jonastar™ Jonagold USPP #20,590 Sumleta (Sonata™) USPP #11,378 LindaMac™ USPP #12,900 Tieton® USPP #11,385 Morning Mist™ Fuji USPP #16,270 WhiteGold™ USPP #18,892 Morren's® Jonagored Supra™ USPP #10,401 Pink Lady® Brand (Maslin cv.) USPP #21,412 Royal Red Honeycrisp® USPP #22,244 RubyJon® USPP #10,115 Concorde® USPP #9,192 RubyMac® USPP #19,891 Zestar!® USPP #11,367 Pears: Peaches: Allstar® USPP #10,549 Autumnstar® USPP #14,439 Blazingstar®USPP #10,555 Blushingstar® USPP #10,554 Coralstar® USPP #10,547 Glowingstar® USPP #10,556 PF Lucky 13 USPP #14,384 PF-7 USPP #10,490 PF-19-007 USPP #17,578 PF-24-007 USPP #9,939 PF-25 USPP #9,940 PF-35-007 USPP #14,368 Redstar® USPP #10,546 Risingstar® USPP #10,545 Starfire® USPP #10,548 Protected by Trademark Law Aztec Fuji® (DT 2 Variety) Kumeu Crimson® Braeburn Danube® Golden Russett Bosc® Golden Supreme® Imperial® Gala IT® Red Delicious Lawspur® Rome Morgan Spur® Redchief® Campbell Royalton® Smoothee® U.S. Plant Patents prohibit propagation of these fruit trees by all except authorized licensees. Please contact us if you would like additional information. WILLOW DRIVE NURSERY . 1-888-548-7337 3539 Road 5 NW, Ephrata, WA 98823 • 18 AUGUST 2013 GOOD FRUIT GROWER

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