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LAST BITE How did you do? Find the answers on page 41 of this issue. Fruitrivia: How well do you know Honeycrisp? 1 Which of the following apples is a parent of Honeycrisp? a. Macoun b. Honeygold c. CrimsonCrisp d. Keepsake e. Northern Spy 2 When was Honeycrisp introduced? 3 a. b. c. d. e. 1961 1974 1990 1991 2006 Who holds the patent for Honeycrisp? a. b. c. d. e. Jim Luby University of Minnesota Stemilt Growers Pepin Heights Orchards No one 4 Which of the following is not typically a problem in Honeycrisp? a. Soft scald b. White rot c. Soggy breakdown d. Black rot e. Biennial bearing f. Mildew g. Radial browning h. Watercore i. Japanese beetle infestations j. Fireblight k. Brown rot l. Stem punctures m. Bruising n. Zonal chlorosis o. Bitter pit p. Bitter rot q. Sunburn 5 True or false? Treatment with MCP (1methylcyclopropene) increases soluble solids in Honeycrisp. 6 How many packed boxes of Honeycrisp were produced in the United States this season? a. 4 million b. 6 million c. 9 million d. 12 million 7 At what value on Cornell University's eight-point starch-iodine index chart should Honeycrisp be harvested? 8 A new red strain of Honeycrisp is named: a. Red Moneycrisp b. Honeycrisp Supreme c. Regal Honeycrisp d. Royal Red Honeycrisp 54 AUGUST 2013 GOOD FRUIT GROWER