MFI Alumni should be on the lookout for a
feedback survey, a virtual feedback session, and
learning events held in-person and virtually.
Already, plans are underway for alumni learning
events - one held regionally in the Southeast at
Auburn University and another in conjunction with
the 2023 ISA Conference in Albuquerque, NM.
S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e
The first steering committee meeting was held in
March with an amazing group of individuals who
bring a wealth of leadership, experience, and
knowledge to the urban forestry profession. Their
guidance and advice will ensure MFI remains the
premier urban forestry leadership training
program as well as taking it to new heights!
M F I A l u m n i A c t i v i t y
In 2023, SMA's MFI is taking a focus year. This includes ensuring the program meets modern standards for
urban forestry leadership development and is positioned to evolve into the future. Throughout 2023, SMA will
pull together key stakeholders including academics, practitioners, partner organizations, past participants,
and others to hear their ideas and insights on how MFI meets the needs currently and how it can grow.
Strategic Planning and
Alumni Feedback Underway
T h e f u l l M u n i c i p a l F o r e s t r y I n s t i t u t e
w i l l b e h e l d i n e a r l y 2 0 2 4 .
S i g n - u p o n S M A ' s w e b s i t e t o b e t h e
f i r s t t o k n o w !
Questions, comments, or
want to be involved?
Members of MFI Steering committee are excited to help
grow the urban forestry leaders of tomorrow!