40 CityTREES
Flowers of Malus angustifolia.
Photo by James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org
The early spring blossoms, which can be pink or
white and completely cover the tree's branches, put
on a stunning display and provide pollen for bees
early in the season. The leaves attract hundreds of
species of hungry butterfly and moth larvae. The
crabapple fruits, the size of ping pong balls, are a
yellow-green, maturing to a bright red, and attract
birds and deer, foxes, rabbits, and other mammals.
Southern crabapple's capacity to adapt to urban
settings is subject to some limitations. This
tree requires sufficient soil volume for optimal
growth and it can be vulnerable to common tree
pests like apple scab and fire blight. Pruning of
Southern crabapple is best done in winter.
In some states, Malus angustifolia is listed as
threatened or of concern due to habit loss and/
or insufficient reseeding. Like the Southern mag-
nolia featured in the last issue of City Trees,
Southern crabapple is cherished by Louisianans
for its flowers and wildlife appeal.
Ripe fruit of Southern crabapple.
Photo by Paul Wray, Iowa State University, Bugwood.org
Foliage and emerging fruit of Southern crabapple.
Photo by Paul Wray, Iowa State University, Bugwood.org