City Trees

November/December 2023

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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Inside the UCFS Mentoring Program The UCFS Mentoring Program, a benefit of UCFS (formerly SMA) membership, provides leadership opportunities for urban and community forestry professionals. UCFS is eager to grow and expand diversity in our profession; to that end, although everyone is welcome, mentors and mentees of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. (UCFS Members who wish to be paired with someone of a similar background or lived experience can indicate that on the application.) Applications for the 2024 cohort of the UCFS Mentoring Program are due in December; please see the website. By Michelle Sutton, Editor, City Trees Andrés Solis – Darren Green Andrés Solis (mentee) is the Managing Arborist for the City of San Mateo, California Development Department. He came into this role in 2022 after working in private sector arboriculture. Darren Green (mentor) has been the Landscape Architect and Urban Forester for the City of Alexandria, Louisiana since 2001. Green is also a UCFS Board Member and a past president of the organization. Important dialogue is underway about ways to provide emerging professionals a sturdy first rung on the urban and community forestry career ladder. When Darren Green and Andrés Solis first met over Zoom, Solis asked for advice about relevant organizations and certifica- tions for someone new to the municipal sector. "I could relate because, like Andrés, I came to my municipal posi- tion from private practice," Green says. Green advised Solis to pursue the ISA Municipal Specialist credential and to attend the Municipal Forestry Institute (MFI). Solis and Green talked about how best to navigate the pecking order in municipal bureaucracy. Green says, "I told Andrés that whether they do it consciously or Andrés Solis 16 CityTREES

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