Tobacco Asia

Volume-27 - Number-6

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34 tobaccoasia Issue 6, 2023 November / December Truemidity Breezer Lifestyle GmbH Germany Gel pads for controlling cigar humidity during storage are nothing new. But they also hold the risk of spoiling the precious sticks when accidentally punc- tured. Furthermore, humidifying systems containing corrosive salts or pads sealed with acetone-based glue have been reported to cause aroma changes. German company Breezer Lifestyle has developed a solution for these poten- tial issues. Their Truemidity pads are gel-free and pressure-sealed, effectively eliminating these potential risks. "Our pads are made from plant cellulose and remain pliable even when deep frozen, the standard 60-gram pad keeping up to 25 cigars in optimal condition for at least 3 months. They also contain no corrosive or aroma-altering agents," said Breezer general manager, Tobias 2YHUKRII$QDGGLWLRQDOEHQHÀWLVWKDWWKH´GU\µSDGVFDQEHWDNHQRQERDUG ÁLJKWVLQKDQGOXJJDJHZLWKRXWSUREOHPV´-XVWSXWDTruemidity pad in a zip- lock bag or any other sealable container together with your cigars and you're ÀQHµ2YHUKRIIDVVHUWHG Website: MyChoice Cosmic VCT International B.V. Netherlands Dutch label MyChoice (MC) is reputed to be Europe's bestselling heated to- bacco product (HTP) brand – apart from the offerings of PMI and BAT, that is. MyChoice is well represented in Spain, Portugal, Hungary, as well as the Baltic countries. In addition, the brand is available through local part- nerships in some Middle Eastern and Asian markets. At InterTabac, brand owner VCT International B.V. launched its latest offerings, MyChoice Cosmic Red (regular strength) and MyChoice Cosmic Gold (light strength) heat sticks, ZKLFKZHUHVSHFLÀFDOO\GHYHORSHGIRUWKH0\&KRLFHGHYLFH7KHKHDWVWLFNV are noteworthy because they use granulated tobacco pellets instead of more FRPPRQUHFRQÁDNHV´7KHJUDQXOHVFRQVLVWRIWREDFFRZLWKRXWDQ\ DGGLWLYHVRUÁDYRUVµDVVHUWHG9&7·VWUDGHPDUNHWLQJPDQDJHU

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