UCFS Recognizes 2023
Annual Award Winners!
The UCFS Annual Awards presentation recognizes the great
work happening in urban forestry and honors some of our
most outstanding members, colleagues,
and collaborators.
Mark Ellison, Award of Merit
Cheyenne, Wyoming City Forester Mark Ellison
received the 2023 Award of Merit for outstanding
work that advances UCFS goals and the practice
of urban forestry at large. Mark started the non-
profit, Rooted in Cheyenne, to spur environmental
stewardship in the community and build support
for, and appreciation of, urban trees. The move-
ment that Mark started is powered by the breadth
of organizations and board members Mark recruits
who share their expertise in planning and exe-
cuting large-scale volunteer tree planting projects.
Award of Merit honoree, Cheyenne, Wyoming City Forester Mark
Ellison is shown at left with volunteers from Rooted in Cheyenne.
14 CityTREES