Water Well Journal

September 2024

Water Well Journal

Issue link: https://read.dmtmag.com/i/1525541

Contents of this Issue


Page 1 of 67

FIELDWORK SIMPLIFIED ™ NOW with 4 Service Centers SOUTHEAST SERVICE CENTER Ocala, Florida 352-854-1566 FACTORY SERVICE CENTER Salina, Kansas 785-825-1842 EAST COAST SERVICE CENTER Oxford, Pennsylvania 610-467-1750 offering expertise, specialty tools, and parts inventory for rig repairs to refurbishments. DM650 AirRotary powerful GV5 sonic head now backed by unmatched 3-year/1,000 head hour warranty; v3 re-engineered to increase reliability and reduce operations cost includes more robust breakout. SCAN TO WATCH powerful 3-year/1,000 to includes power to drill larger, deeper wells in tough geologies with options to protect rig from air rotary dust along with labor-saving rod carousel and table assembly with 24-inch opening. SCAN TO WATCH power with with with NORTH CAROLINA SERVICE CENTER Hickory, North Carolina 828-998-0977 8150LS Sonic " They needed a water supply but didn't want to tap into brackish water, so we did a series of bedrock wells. We drilled 225 feet to install permanent casing in shallow over- burden. We used 10-inch casing, then grouted in permanent 8-inch casing.– Mark Schock, Glacier Drilling,Connecticut " If you strictly look at the numbers, the DM650 should have less performance. But it ended up drilling as fast as our tried-and-true rig. – Chris Blanchet, Chesapeake Geosystems Inc., Maryland

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