Good Fruit Grower

September 2013

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Good to Go For a complete listing of upcoming events, check Sept. September 10 The Honeycrisp Experience: Preharvest Orchard Tour, BMR Orchards, Royal www.goodfruit. Slope, Washington. For information or to register, contact Joanne com. Thomas, (509) 665-9641 or e-mail September 12 The Honeycrisp Experience: Preharvest Orchard Tour, Chiawana Orchards, Gleed, Washington. For information or to register, contact Joanne Thomas, (509) 665-9641 or e-mail September 17 The Honeycrisp Experience: Preharvest Orchard Tour, Maverick Orchard, Brewster, Washington. For information or to register, contact Joanne Thomas, (509) 6659641 or e-mail the Calendar at October October 18–20 Produce Marketing Association Fresh Summit, New Orleans, Louisiana. For i nformation, visit October 29-30 Managing Agricultural Nutrients/California Department of Food & Agriculture and Western Plant Health Association conference, DoubleTree Hotel, Modesto, California. For information, visit or www. November November 4–6 Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Conference, DoubleTree San DiegoMission Valley, San Diego, California. For information, visit November 6-7 Irrigation Show 2013, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. For information, e-mail or visit November 12-13 Northwest Cherry Research Review, Confluence Technology Center, Wenatchee, Washington. For information, contact Kathy Coffey at (509) 665-8271, ext. 2, or e-mail November 14-15 Washington State Grape Society Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Church of the Nazarene, Grandview Washington. For information, visit November 18-19 Sustainable Ag Expo, Madonna Inn Expo Center, San Luis Obispo, California. For information, call (805) 466-2288 or visit November 19 Stone Fruit Research Review, WSU-CPAAS, Prosser Washington. For information, contact Kathy Coffey at (509) 665-8271, ext. 2, or e-mail January January 8–10, 2014 Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism and Organic Conference, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Springfield, Illinois. For information, call (309) 557-2107 or e-mail cblary@ilfb. org. January 9-10 Yakima Ag Expo, Yakima Valley Sundome, Yakima, Washington. For information, visit December December 2–4 Washington State Horticultural Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Wenatchee Convention Center, Wenatchee, Washington. For information, visit December 5 The Honeycrisp Experience: All-Day Workshop, Wenatchee Convention Center, Wenatchee, Washington. For information or to register, contact Joanne Thomas, Online, at your service. The essential resource for the tree fruit and grape growing industries. sign up for Scan the code with eFlash newsletter 40 (509) 665-9641 or e-mail, or go to and click on "Events." December 10–12 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market Expo, DeVos Place Convention Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan. For information, visit your smartphone or tablet or go to: eflash-signup all about oneycrisp H H oneycrisp experts from around the country will share their knowledge during a Washington State University Fruit School workshop on December 5 in Wenatchee, following the Washington State H orticultural Association's annual meeting. The full-day workshop concludes a package of events focusing on production, harvest, and storage of Honeycrisp that included field days during the summer and just before harvest at three Washington locations. The goal is to allow growers to follow the fruit from early in the growing season, through harvest and storage, and learn how best to grow the tree and produce a crop that will store well and have good eating quality. "We're really trying to focus on taking what we've learned from science and research and combining it with grower experience," said Gwen Hoheisel, WSU Extension specialist based in Prosser. "It's critical to talk about Honeycrisp now because this is an apple that's being planted more and more. We want to be able to share information so it continues to be a good apple for all of us." The second of the field days will be held on September 10 at BMR Orchards, Royal Slope; September 12 at Chiawana Orchards, Gleed, Yakima; and eptember S 17 at Maverick Orchard, Brewster. During the December workshop, Dr. David Bedford and Dr. Jim Luby from the University of Minnesota, where the variety originated, will discuss red strains of Honeycrisp and how the variety performs in various growing regions. Dr. Lailiang Cheng from Cornell U niversity will speak about nutrition anagement. m Other topics on the agenda will include: the economics of producing Honeycrisp, tips for orchard establishment, soil fertility, crop load and light management, harvest timing and postharvest handling, and storage issues. The meeting will run from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and will be presented by WSU in partnership with the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission and the Washington State Horticultural Association. For more information or to register for a field day or the December workshop, go to the Web site and click on "Events."   —G. Warner SEPTEMBER 2013 Good Fruit

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