
Cheers September 2013

Cheers is dedicated to delivering hospitality professionals the information, insights and data necessary to drive their beverage business by covering trends and innovations in operations, merchandising, service and training.

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CONTENTS FEATURES 31 Trends in Chilean Wine How Chile's winemakers have improved the quality and variety of their products in recent years By Melissa Dowling 33 Picking the Right POS Our guide to help you navigate the multiple options in point-of-sale (POS) systems By Melissa Niksic 37 Cheers Wine Tasting: Cabernets that Captivate Our national wine tasting panel recommends their picks for cabernet sauvignon 33 6 First Sip 8 Drink Culture 13 B2B: Improve the Bar/ Kitchen Synergy 30 Why bartenders should make a point of talking to the chef By John Fischer 14 Scene: Walla Walla, WA Drinking and dining options in the once-sleepy farm town in Eastern Washington state By Liza B. Zimmerman 16 California Wine Central: Sierra Foothills' Wines Gain a Foothold The inland wine region produces big reds and balanced, Rhône-style whites By Liza B. Zimmerman 42 Drinks: Unique Beer/Wine Cocktails 4 | SEPTEMBER 2013 14

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