City Trees

January/ February 2014

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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SMAcks of a Great Day Out! Our Professional Affiliate Day in Toronto Story and Photos by Ian McDermott, Executive Director, ISA United Kingdom & Ireland Chapter For me, one of the absolute essentials when attending the yearly ISA annual international conference is to make it to the SMA Professional Affiliate (PA) Day. It is consistently inspirational to meet municipal arborists from around the world and hear how they deal with the same old problems we all endure when managing the interface between people and trees! Toronto Urban Forestry Planner Peter Simon (left) and Landscape Architect Jim Urban led the SMA PA Day tour in Toronto. I've only missed one SMA tour in the last few years and that was because it was fully booked up, which certainly shows that I am not the only one who esteems these tours. Our tour on August 7, 2013 was longer than usual because we were visiting the major metropolis of Toronto where there is so much interesting work being Sugar Beach on Toronto's waterfront was one of three projects on the tour using new construction techniques to provide trees with sufficient quality and quantity of soil for successful tree growth. 38 City Trees

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