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Viticulture Vineyards at Washington's geographical extremities • Veranda Beach Cellars 2995 GDD Washington State's most NORTHERN VINEYARD • Westport Winery 1513 GDD Graves Vineyard • • Basalt Cellars 2829 GDD 3029 GDD GDD is the long-term average of growing-degree days, a way to measure heat units. our wine grape vineyards in Washington State hold the distinction of being the most northerly, easterly, southerly, and westerly. The vineyards, though hundreds of miles apart and with diverse soils and climate, are more alike than different. Good Fruit Grower went on a quest last fall to locate vineyards representing the four compass points. The journey showed the diversity of wine grape varieties and growing conditions of the state's wine industry, including varied backgrounds of the vineyard and winery owners. But the biggest discovery was the shared goals of the vineyardists—a sincere desire to bring the best out of their grapes and wine. The Oroville area, abutting the Canadian border, was once known as tree fruit country. But in recent years, a viable wine industry has sprung up in British Columbia on the Canadian side of the border. By Melissa Hansen More than 120 wineries are now in Canada's Okanagan-Penticton This issue highlights the most northern region. and southern vineyards in Washington Veranda Beach Cellars, State. Look for the most eastern and Washington's northernmost western in the February 15 issue. vineyard, is located less than a mile south of the border. It's a relative newcomer to the Washington wine industry—initial vineyard blocks were planted in 2006. To date, 12 acres have been planted. Long-range plans are to have 50 acres of wine grapes planted. Veranda Beach Cellars joins several already established vineyards and wineries in Oroville, including Copper Mountain Vineyards, planted in Oroville in 1996 and located five miles south of the border, Okanogan Estate and Vineyards (formerly called Gold Digger Cellars and still part of the Gold Digger Apples, Inc., cooperative), planted in 1999, and Ester Bricques Vineyard and Winery, located eight miles south of Oroville. Veranda Beach Cellars is not your typical vineyard and winery setup. The vineyard is part of Jim Hammond's vision for an 860acre parcel of land that runs from the shores of Lake Osoyoos to the top of Cactus Mountain. Hammond, managing partner in Veranda Beach Resort, says that the vineyard is a cornerstone of the resort, which includes 1950s-themed beach cottages and vineyard cottages built around the vineyard. An on-site winery, vineyard pavilion, golf course, and amphitheater are planned. F Warm microclimate Lake Osoyoos is an international lake sharing the boundaries of both Washington and British Columbia. Osoyoos means "narrowing of the waters" in native Okanagan language. The narrow lake is about ten miles long and is surrounded by steep mountains. The large body of water provides a Veranda Beach Cellars winemaker Katy Perry and Finis Hale, vineyard manager, stand in the picturesque vineyard. (Continued on page 26) 24 FEBRUARY 1, 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER PHOTO COURTESY OF VERANDA BEACH CELLARS The Veranda Beach vineyard is the cornerstone of a resort development.