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Horticulture PHOTO BY GERALDINE WARNER More trials for cherry rootstocks New MSU cherry rootstocks are dwarfing and precocious. by Geraldine Warner r. Amy Iezzoni, cherry breeder at Michigan State University, has developed five new dwarfing and precocious sweet cherry rootstocks that nurseries are now propagating. Before the rootstocks go into commercial production, Iezzoni plans to put them in further trials to find out how they perform with cherry varieties of different cropping potential and to assess what the most suitable training systems, soils, and growing conditions might be. The five rootstocks, Clinton, Cass, Clare, Lake, and Crawford, are named after Michigan counties. Cherry rootstocks that induce early cropping and reduce tree size can enhance profitability, Iezzoni points out. Early cropping can ensure an early return D In a trial at WSU, Prosser, with Bing as the scion, MSU rootstocks have produced trees similar in size to trees on Gisela 5. on investment, while abundant bloom can increase the likelihood of setting a crop each year. Small tree size can reduce labor needs. In a current trial at WSU, Prosser, with Bing as the scion, the rootstocks have produced trees similar in size to those on the Gisela 5 rootstock, with the exception of Clare, which produces trees significantly smaller than G.5. Tissue culture In the third leaf of the trial, all rootstocks produced more bloom than G.5 or G.6. However, fruit size was comparable, suggesting that trees on the MSU rootstocks can produce large fruit, given the proper training system to manage tree vigor and appropriate crop load adjustments. The rootstocks have been virus-certified by the Clean Plant Center Northwest and put through genetic testing to confirm their identity. In 2011, Cass, Clare, Clinton, and Lake were distributed to seven nurseries in Washington, California, and Oregon, to give the nurseries experience in propagating the rootstocks and to generate a supply of rootstocks for further testing. Tissue culture appears to be the most efficient way to propagate them. Iezzoni reported these findings recently to the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, which has funded her work. The fifth rootstock, Crawford, was not initially selected for further testing because it showed signs of graft incompatibility with Hedelfingen, the scion in the original plot at MSU's Clarksville Experiment Station. However, it has Serving America's Landowners Since 1929 3035 Rickenbacher Drive Pasco, Washington 99301 Call us for your farm real estate needs! Flo Sayre, Managing Broker Accredited Land Consultant ABR, ALC, CNE, CRIS, TRC, REALTOR "2013 Washington Land Broker of the Year" Mobile: (509) 539-3161 Nat Cruzen, Broker Mobile: (509) 460-0526 Henry Johnson, Managing Broker Mobile: (509) 539-6678 Check out our website for exclusive listings! Real Estate • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management Appraisals • Consultations • Insurance • Oil and Gas Management Lake Management • National Hunting Leases 38 FEBRUARY 1, 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER