
March 2014

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MARCH 2014 | BRAVAMAGAZINE.COM 35 LARGE BIG BROODS ARE A RARE SIGHT THESE DAYS. We wouldn't blink at seeing a parent walk by with two kids in tow, but a fam- ily of more than four is likely to make our heads turn. After all, U.S. Census statistics revealed that the average family size in 2010 was 3.14 people—and perhaps with good reason. Having fewer children is cheaper easier and possibly more peaceful. Or is it? On a frigid Friday afternoon, all 11 of the Petersons crowd into the warm kitchen of their large Victorian home. Maja and Annalis help baby AnnaKarina eat in her high chair. 5WINS)ˬKONˬND&RIKˬNDYOUNGERBROTHERŀORTRˬDELIGHT- hearted jabs as mom, Priscilla, explains a logistical detail for the weekend. Kajsa and Annika dance around in tutus and bounce a ball. Konur calmly eats fresh chocolate chip cookies with milk ˬTTHECOUNTER"FTERCORRˬLLINGTHEIRHUGEǢUFFYDOGDˬD&RIK surveys the scene with a smile. ŀEKITCHENISFULLˬNDTHˬTmSHOWTHEYLIKEIT "It's like a party," Priscilla says. "It makes every day fun." But the constant activity, frequent grocery store trips and even just the noise level alone? It's living life in an extreme many of us couldn't fathom. #UTˬSWEmVEFOUNDITmSNOTJUSTTHEHIGHPROǠLE+OLIE1ITTCREW of six or the clan of 19 Duggars who've taken to living large. In southern Wisconsin, the Peterson, Ketarkus and Cushman families present proof that it's not only doable but in many ways, bigger can be better. B I G F A M I L I E S , B I G L O V E BY LISA BAUER | PHOTOGRAPHED BY ANDA MARIE

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