
March 2014

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62 BRAVA MAGAZINE | MARCH 2014 GO+DO HAPPENINGS FETE DE FEMME JAN. 15 | BELLA DOMICILE Attendees at this lively event gathered to raise their glasses in honor of BRAVA Magazine's 2014 Women to Watch. Women featured in the article were joined by friends, family and previous W2W, and spent the evening enjoying great networking and delicious food from local restaurants. Visit for more event photos! Amy Olejniczak, Lily Johnson and Sara Finger ALEXANDER & THE TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD,VERY BAD DAY Book and Music by JUDITH VIORST The Playhouse at Overture Center MARCH 8-16 TICKETS: 608.258.4141 Kelly Jackson BRAVA Magazine's 2014 Women to Watch Dr. Caprice Greenberg (left)

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