Aggregates Manager

April 2014

Aggregates Manager Digital Magazine

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5 AGGREGATES MANAGER April 2014 :HPDNH7KH%HVW 4XDOLW\5HGXFHUV :RUOG:LGH(OHFWULF&RUSRUDWLRQ ZZZZRUOGZLGHHOHFWULFQHW &DOO1RZ)RU7KH/RZHVW 0DUNHW3ULFHV ³8OWLPDWH´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assachusetts Most operators face challenges from surrounding communities when they want to open a new operation. In West Roxbury Crushed Stone Co.'s case, the operator is dealing with organized meetings regarding its reclamation plans. In February, more than 100 neighbors and elected of- fi cials attended a meeting organized by state Sen. Mike Rush, state Rep. Ed Coppinger, and City Councilor Matt O'Malley to discuss its plans to accept fi ll from area construction projects. West Roxbury Transcript reports that an environmental consultant for the operator explained there are — from a regulatory standpoint — four categories of soil from a construction site: highly contaminated, above reportable concentrations, below reportable concentrations, and urban fi ll/ naturally occurring. Only material from the last two grades would be accepted at the site, and a licensed site professional would be employed by the property owners to make sure soil coming out of a site was sent to the appropriate destination. Despite the answers provided by the opera- tor, the moderator suggested it would not be the last community meeting. Michigan More than 200 people packed a public hearing regarding McCoig Materials Inc.'s application for a special-use permit and mining application. According to e Ann Arbor News, numerous residents made public comments, particularly regarding truck traffi c and the operation's impact on the rural nature of the community. e planning commission chairman said that he expects it to be a long process, but noted that the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act provides that local ordinances "shall not prevent the extraction, by mining, of valuable natural resources from any property unless very serious consequences would result from the extraction of those natural resources." A consultant for the operator pointed out that the site was selected because of the low population density, geology, and proximity to the state highway. Missouri e owner of a proposed operation called e Family Ranch told opponents that no blasting would take place at the quarry if his plans are approved. Lee's Summit Journal reports that excavators will use only a mechanical system that uses hydraulics to expand wedges in holes drilled into the rock to split it. A hoe-ram would further fracture the material before it is crushed. e programming director for land reclamation with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources said that a recommendation on a permit for the project is expected to be included on the Land Reclamation Commission's May agenda. Pennslvania In mid-April, the Silver Spring Township's Zoning Hearing Board is expected to make a decision on Pennsy Supply's request to expand its quarry along an 18-acre parcel located northwest of its existing quarry. at tract is currently zoned for residential use. According to e Sentinel, neighbors voiced concerns about buff er zones and blasting. An a orney representing the operator said the company was willing to engage the homeowners in a dialogue regarding its expansion plans and would comply with all laws that protect the safety of properties in the area.

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