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APRIL April 1, 2, 3, 4 Supervisor Leadership Training for Spanish-Speaking Employees, several dates/locations: Wenatchee, April 1; Pasco, April 2; Yakima, April 3; Salem, Oregon, April 4. Presented by the Washington Farm Labor Association. Contact Rebekah, (360) 455-8064, ext. 6, or visit http:// April 24 Pear Bureau Northwest and Fresh Pear Committee joint meeting, Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Contact Jessica Livesay, (503) 652-9720. MAY May 4 Wine Barrel Profiles and Barrel Toasting Demonstration, Chankaska Creek Ranch and Winery, Kasota, Minnesota. For information, contact or go to www. May 18–21 National Grape & Wine Policy Conference, Holiday Inn Capitol, Washington, D.C. Registration before April 30, $350; after April 30, $425. For information, e-mail info@ AUGUST August 6–9 Home Orchard Society/North American Fruit Explorers/ California Rare Fruit Growers Joint Meeting, McMenamins Edgefield Inn, Portland, Oregon. For information, visit GOOD FRUIT GROWER APRIL 1, 2014 53 GOOD TO GO For a complete listing of upcoming events, check the Calendar at www.goodfruit. com. 10500 Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood, CA 94513 800.634.1671 or 925.634.2191 (Alison Clegg or Richard Chavez) 877.457.6901 (Henry Sanguinetti) ProTree Nursery, LLC has a great selection of the apple and cherry varieties that you want. We use only the best rootstocks and graft only the variety and stock combinations that best suit your needs. Our trees stand out... Don't you want your product to stand out too? Call ProTree Nursery, LLC today! Our selection in a crowd really stands out tBanning Red Fuji (USPP 16,624 P2) tBeni Shogun (USPP 7997) tBlondee ™ (USPP 19,007 McLaughlin cv) tBrookfield ® Gala (USPP 10,016) tBuckeye ® Gala (USPP 10,840) t$ISJTPMZO ® (USPP 21,300) t$SJNTPO(PME$SBC tDandee Red ® (USPP 16,620) t'SFUUJOHIBN$SBC tGolden Delicious tGranny Smith t)JMXFMM#SBFCVSO (USPP 7526) tHoneycrisp ™ (USPP 7197) t*OEJBO4VNNFS$SBC t+PCVSO ™ #SBFCVSO (USPP 11,992) tJonaStar JonaGold ™ (USPP 20,590) tLindaMac ® (USPP 12,900) t.BODIVSJBO$SBC tMidnight Red Spur ™ (serial 74/458, 730) tPacific Gala ® (USPP 9681) t1FBSMFBG$SBC tRising Sun Fuji ® t3VCZ+PO ® (USPP 10,115) t3VCZ.BD ® (USPP 19,891) tSchlect Spur Delicious ™ t4FQUFNCFS8POEFS ™ Fuji (USPP 11,193) t4JNQTPO$SBC t4OPXESJGU$SBC tTorres Fuji ™ (USPP applied for) tUltima ™ Gala (USPP 13,753 P2) tZestar! ™ (USPP 11,367) These apple varieties are available on B-118, BUD-9, EMLA-7, EMLA-26, EMLA-106, EMLA-111, G-30, M-9 (T-337), NIC ® -29, or Supporter 4. t$PSBM$IBNQBHOF"WBJMBCMF/PXGPS t#FOUPO ™ t#JOH t#MBDL5BSU t#MBDL1FBSM ® t#SPPLT ™ t#VSHVOEZ1FBSM ® t$IFMBO ™ t$SJTUBMJOB ™ t&CPOZ1FBSM ® t-BQJOT t3BEJBODF1FBSM ® t3BJOJFS t4FMBI ™ t4LFFOB ™ t4XFFUIFBSU ™ t5VMBSF ™ t7BOT "11-&4 $)&33*&4 Available on Colt, Gisela ® , Krymsk ® , Mahaleb, or Mazzard.* *Not all varieties are available on all rootstocks. Call for specific grafting information. Energieweg 1 - P.O. Box 4, 6658 ZG Beneden-Leeuwen Holland Phone: +31(0)487 592944 Fax: +31(0)487 592970 E-mail: Website: FRUITGRADING EQUIPMENT VAN WAMEL BV s %LECTRONICAL AND MECHANICAL 'RADING -ACHINES FOR EFl CIENT SAFE AND MOST ACCURATE GRADING OF FRUIT BY SIZE WEIGHT AND COLOUR s !UTOMATIC "ULK "IN 4IPPERS WITH ONE INSERT OR CARRYTHROUGH TYPE WITH THREE INSERTS s 7ATER $UMPERS s 4WO3PEED "ELTS &EEDING "ELTS 0ACKING "ELTS ETC Distributors: Fruittek Sumas WA 98295 U.S. Packaging Systems Inc. Temple NH 03084 Tel. 877 826 3427 Tel. 603 566 9736