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56 APRIL 1, 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER GOOD DEALS ressive growers 1WT¿GNFUCTGRNCPVGF YKVJVJGOQUVRQRWNCT UGOKFYCTHFYCTHXCTKGVKGU M.7/M.26/M.9 EML A Q BUD 9 Q M.9 NAKB T-337 NIC ® 29 Q PAJAM 2 ® Q GENEVA ® 222/202/30/16/11 5RGEKCNK\KPIKPENQPCNHTWKVVTGGTQQVUVQEMCPFEWVVKPIU CPFHTWKVVTGGUGGFNKPITQQVUVQEM 5 0 3 - 2 6 3 - 6 4 0 5 T o l l F r e e 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 5 2 - 2 0 1 8 like our rootstock, our service will grow on you. all fruit tree rootstock is oregon certified virus free. c a n b y , o r e g o n Inventories are low on many varieties. It's not too early to think about next season. Let us know your needs so we can try to meet them for 2015. ORDER NOW 2014-2015 BENCH GRAFTS or FINISHED TREES Representing leading nurseries cell: 509-961-7383 e-mail: From Grower to Grower MARK BARRETT TREE SALES 2014-2015 APPLES APRICOTS CHERRIES NECTARINES PEACHES PEARS PLUMS NO Banning We have over 55 years of experience in the nursery business. Now taking growing contracts for the following varieties: ! !USPP #13,753 ! ! ! USPP #16,624 ! !! USPP #10104 ! USPP #7197 ! ! Most all rootstocks! 4000 Grant Road, East Wenatchee., WA 98802 509-884-7041 Quality Fruit Trees ORCHARDS & NURSERY Quality Oregon-Grown Rootstock & Seedlings for Fruit, Flowering, and Shade Trees. Since 1982, Specializing in Apple, Cherry, Plum, and Pear Rootstock. email: 12990 SW Copenhaven Road • Gaston OR PH 503-985-7161 • FAX 503-985-7876 CopenHaven Farms Nursery CopenHaven Farms Nursery NURSERY STOCK GROWER SERVICES REAL ESTATE Bob Knauss 509 669-5956 b o b @ l a ke l a n d a g e n c y. c o m Chelan, WA w w w. l a k e l a n d a g e n c y. c o m Bob Knauss - The Lakeland Agency Bob Knauss - The Lakeland Agency Buying or Selling Orchard or Vineyard Property? Since 1953 we have provided real estate and financial services. With over 200 years of combined experience, our staff can assist you in: REAL ESTATE Specializing in orchards / vineyards, open land and residential throughout central and eastern Washington. AGRICULTURAL LENDING Specializing in long term Agricultural Lending by offering competitive rates and having multiple lenders. APPRAISALS Specializing in agricultural properties and commercial properties. Call us today: Clark Jennings & Associates, Inc 711 North 1st Street • Yakima, WA 98901 • Office: 509-248-5600 Steve Weber: 509-952-0776 Darren Hartman: 509-961-3398 Dave Smeback: 509-969-0312 Larry Zylstra: 509-901-4003 C J A Clark Jennings & Associates, Inc. REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Specializing in Farms and Ranches We offer exclusive varieties & rootstocks. Limited availability! Place your 2015 orders now. 800.654.5854 TRY A CLASSIFIED AD CLASSIFIED ADS are $1.25 per word per insertion. Ads up to ten words are charged a minimum of $12.00. The first one to four words are set in boldface capital letters. Include name, address, and phone number in figuring the cost. Count hy phenated words as two words. Count each initial, abbrevia- tion, symbol, whole number, as one word. State and zip code count as two words. BLIND BOX SERVICE is available for addi- tional $10.00 per issue (plus word count). Re plies forwarded daily, postage paid. &"454*%&800%3&$:$-*/( &"454*%&800%3&$:$-*/( &"454*%&800%3&$:$-*/( 4UBOMFZ3PBEr.PTFT-BLF8" Orchard Removal & Excavating Call Jeremy Walker 509-760-2618 We Grind Or Chip It All ! r"MMGPSNTPGXPPE SFDZDMJOHPSDIBSEEFCSJT PMECJOTQBMMFUT UPGBMMFOPVUCVJMEJOHT r8IPMFUSFFDIJQQJOH r*SSJHBUJPONBJOMJOF JOTUBMMBUJPO r%JUDIDMFBOJOHSFNPWBM BOEQPOECVJMEJOH r