Total Landscape Care Digital Magazine
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Total Landscape Care is a proud supporter of... /TotalLandscapeCare @TLCmagazine Editorial Editor-At-Large: Lauren Heartsill Dowdle Editorial Director: Marcia Gruver Doyle Online Managing Editor: Patty Vaughan Design & Production Art Director: Richard Street Graphic Designer: Timothy Smith Advertising Production Manager: Linda Hapner Construction Media Senior VP, Market Development, Construction Media: Dan Tidwell VP of Sales, Construction Media: Joe Donald Corporate Chairman/CEO: Mike Reilly President: Brent Reilly Chief Process Offi cer: Shane Elmore Chief Administration Offi cer: David Wright Senior Vice President, Sales: Scott Miller Senior Vice President, Editorial and Research: Linda Longton Vice President of Events: Alan Sims Vice President, Audience Development: Stacy McCants Vice President, Digital Services: Nick Reid Director of Marketing: Julie Arsenault 3200 Rice Mine Rd NE Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 800-633-5953 For subscription information/inquiries, please email: totallandscape- Total Landscape Care (ISSN # 1932-8303) is pub- lished monthly by Randall-Reilly Publishing Co. LLC, 3200 Rice Mine Road NE, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406. Single copy price: US $6, Canada/Mexico $9, Foreign $12. For subscriptions, call (800) 517-4979 in the U.S. or (847) 763-9610 outside the U.S. U.S. Periodicals Postage Paid at Tuscaloosa, AL and at additional mailing of- fices. POSTMASTER: POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS. (See DMM 707.4.12.5); NON-POSTAL AND MILITARY FACILITIES: send address corrections to Total Landscape Care, PO Box 2196, Skokie, IL 60076-9852. All contributions in the form of unsolicited letters, manuscripts, stories, materials, photographs or art are welcome, addressed to the editor. These submissions cannot be returned except where the sender provides a postage-paid, addressed, stamped envelope. Randall- Reilly Publishing Company, LLC cannot assume responsibility for unintentional loss or damage to submitted materials. All advertisements for Total Landscape Care magazine are accepted and published by Randall-Reilly Publishing Company, LLC on the representation that the advertiser and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. The advertiser and/or ad- vertising agency will defend, indemnify and hold Randall-Reilly Publishing Company, LLC harmless from and against any loss, expenses or other liability resulting from any claims or suits for libel violations of right of privacy or publicity, plagiarisms, copyright or trademark infringement and any other claims or suits that may arise out of publication of such advertisement. Copyright ©2014 Randall-Reilly Publishing Company, LLC All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Total Landscape Care is a trademark of Randall-Reilly Publishing Company, LLC Randall-Reilly Publishing Company, LLC neither endorses nor makes any representation or guarantee regarding the quality of goods and services advertised herein. For change of address and other subscription inquiries, please contact: Slow and steady wins the race, right? Maybe not, according to my sources for "How To Grow Your Business" (page 24). Going into this story, I expected to hear several reasons land- scapers should be cautious about expanding their companies too fast – such as spreading themselves thin, losing cash fl ow or overwhelming employees. But instead, the landscaper and marketing specialist I talked with were more concerned about owners not doing enough: whether by not using social media, not returning customer calls or not taking advantage of marketing tools. That just shows what drive and determination look like. Business owners who are serious about expanding want to do as much as they can, as quickly as they can. So, it becomes less about the speed of growth and more about how an owner manages the company's changes: knowing when to add em- ployees, revising plans when needed and making sure the team buys into the company's new goals. One landscaper who has taken a business from the corner of her room to a large, sustainable offi ce building in just seven years is Andrea Wilson Mueller, owner of Inside Out Design in Frankfort, Kentucky, and TLC's 2014 Landscaper of the Year. "If you take care of the com- pany – and clients – the company will take care of you," says Mueller, who shares more advice in the article on page 26. Of course, there will always be pitfalls to avoid no matter how fast a company grows: But that's part of the process. So, forget the speed limit, and fi nd what works for your company. What's the Speed Limit? Growing your business too fast might not be bad breaking ground Lauren Heartsill Dowdle Editor-At-Large A P R I L 2 014 To t a l L a n d s c a p e C a r e . c o m 3