
June 2014

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68 BRAVA MAGAZINE | JUNE 2014 GO+DO JAUNT SLEEP Campsites, with varying amenities, are available in the Kettle Moraine State Forest and nearby in Whitewater, Dousman or Palmyra. EAT The Hen House Café in Eagle serves a hearty, home-cooked breakfast along with homemade breads, soups and pies. henhousecafe-eagle. com. DO Get moving with Kettle Moraine's scenic trails, biking, canoeing, fishing or horseback riding at The Kettle Moraine Ranch. kettlemoraine EAGLE A FAMILY AFFAIR Unplug and enjoy amazing natural scen- ery this summer with an affordable, family friendly getaway to the tiny vil- lage of Eagle. Situated on the edge of the beautiful Kettle Moraine State Forest, Eagle is home to the unequalled living history museum, Old World Wisconsin, making it the perfect spot to combine na- ture hikes with unforgettable educational experiences. Book a campsite in Kettle Moraine and start your weekend off with dinner ˬNDSmMORESUNDERTHESTˬRSŀENEXT morning, head over to Old World Wisconsin, the largest of 11 sites main- tained by the Wisconsin Historical 4OCIETY ŀE OUTDOOR HˬNDSON LIVING history museum takes at least an en- tire day to explore. As you wander from village storefronts to farmsteads, all re- ǢECTINGIMMIGRˬTIONˬNDSETTLEMENTIN Wisconsin, you and the kids will have the opportunity to churn butter, card wool, observe the blacksmith at work or even participate in a class at the one- room schoolhouse or other special sum- mer events. After another night of peaceful sleep- ing in the woods, you'll return home rested and invigorated, and the kids will have some good old-fashioned memories. –Anne Morrissy For more visit;; or PHOTO COURTESY OF OLD WORLD WISCONSIN

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