
June 2014

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22 BRAVA MAGAZINE | JUNE 2014 THRIVE WELLBEING FINANCE Stop Growing Pains Avoid injuries this gardening season with tips from Group Health Cooperative physical therapist Barb Urmann. TAKE A WALK: A brisk walk warms up your muscles before gardening. STRETCH: Stretch your glutes, leg muscles and forearms before and after gardening. TAKE A BREAK: Garden in small bouts; long hours make for more injuries. LIGHTEN UP: Break up that load of mulch into smaller batches or use a wheelbarrow. TAKE A STAND: Get out of that crouch often and stretch. TOOL KIT: Use ergonomic tools, such as pruners, rakes and short stools. Easy Trimming Grass Shears, $23, Bypass Pruner, $28, by Fiskars, work gloves by West County, $22, garden knee pads by TommyCo, $16; The Bruce Company, 2830 Parmenter St., Middleton. BODY DR. MOM NEW CHOLESTEROL TESTS FOR KIDS After kindergarten shots, and before adolescent immunizations, kids have long enjoyed the sweet spot of pain-free yearly physicals. But starting this year the American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends universal lipid screening for children ages 9 to 11 and 17 to 21. Universal lipid screening is designed to identify cholesterol disorders in any CHILDWHOMIGHTBENEǠTFROMEˬRLYCˬR- diovascular risk reduction interventions, INCLUDINGLIFESTYLEMODIǠCˬTIONSSUCHˬS heart-healthy nutrition and activities. Only 1 to 2 percent of children with lipid abnormalities will require medication. Most children and adolescents won't have to fast before the lipid screening. Some, however, do, including children over age 2 with a family history of hyper- lipidemia or premature heart disease, and children of any age with other conditions that increase their risk of cardiovascular disease such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes. To help with screening assessments, parents should know and share their own cholesterol numbers with their children's pediatricians. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of adults in the U.S. We know that atherosclerosis begins in childhood, and we know that early intervention and treatment in children is effective prevention. We also know that lipid disorders in children are common and increasing with pediatric obesity rates—which is why this screen- ing will be crucial for your child's health. Kids may need some convincing to have one more needle poke. But effective in- tervention to address cardiovascular risk in children may represent our single greatest opportunity to positively im- pact our children's futures and the health of our nation. –Dr. Kari Hegeman is a pediatrician at Dean Health. THY WILL BE DONE You can do just about anything online these days. But one thing you should never do online, says Madison attorney Gini Hendrickson, is create a will. ŀEˬVERˬGEPERSONLIKELYISNmTWELL versed enough in all the legal aspects of estate planning to ensure that their as- sets, in the end, will be distributed in the RIGHTWˬYˬNDTOTHESURVIVORSmBENEǠT says Hendrickson, an estate planner at Murphy Desmond. Plus, an attorney can help you consider other factors such as end-of-life health care and trusts. Costs of estate planning vary, depend- ing upon the complexity of your estate. Attorney fees may seem daunting, but that up-front cost saves money, anxiety and prevents uncertainty for the ben- EǠCIˬRIESINTHELONGRUN4URVIVORSOF someone without a plan will need to hire a lawyer to sort out the details anyway. 0RWORSETHEYCOULDǠNDTHESTˬTESTEP- ping in. For an overview, the UW Extension of- fers an informational family estate plan- ning booklet; available at learningstore. UWEXEDUŀE%ˬNE$OUNTYˬND8IS- consin bar associations also offer free, basic estate planning for those with more limited budgets. Learn more about the Modest Means Program at

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