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34 JULY 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER GOOD DEALS IRRIGATION AND FROST CONTROL For your nearest Orchard-Rite representative, visit our website: ® Leland Nickeson 559-564-3114 559-805-8296, Cell 559-805-8254 559-972-9937 559-909-0008 "Dependable Frost Protection" 125 SOUTH BLAIR ROAD, WOODLAKE, CALIFORNIA 93286 Randy Quenzer CENTRAL CA Jeff Thorning NORTHERN CA Chad Hymel SOUTHERN CA SALES: SERVICE: CASCADE WIND MACHINE SERVICE For your nearest Orchard-Rite representative, visit our website: ® WIND MACHINES 3766 Iroquois Lane 1611 W. Ahtanum WENATCHEE, WA 98801 YAKIMA, WA 98903 509-662-2753 509-457-9196 Sales: Dana Morgan, ext 215 Sales: Virgil Anders, ext 114 Distributor of… "Dependable Frost Protection" For your nearest Orchard-Rite representative, visit our website: ® WIND MACHINES Sales: Lee DeLeeuw Cell: 616-893-4507 Service: Brad DeLeeuw Cell: 616-299-3992 Distributor of… "Dependable Frost Protection" SUPERIOR WIND MACHINE SERVICE, INC. 6919 Kraft Avenue • Caledonia, MI 49316 • 616-971-8177 • Fax: 616-971-8178 MISCELLANEOUS • Reduce Nitrates, Scale, and Corrosion in Pipes and Wells. • Reduce Salts, Nematodes, Iron Bacteria, E. coli, and Costs! • Correct pH., Oxygen, Carbon, Magnesium, and Boron. Award-Winning Technology! Internationally Acclaimed! Manufacturer of the world's most advanced frost protection The benefi ts of plastic and more... Still using wood bins? Replace them! Buy the Hybrid 44-FV. but at a lower price. NEW! Contact us for a price quote today! 707.437.1200 or 1.800.845.6555 Increased Stack Stability The interlocking design makes stacking easier and stacks are straighter than those with wood bins. A plastic bin fi xed within a lean wood frame for structural support. This alternative to wood bins is designed to offer all the protection of plastic bins, but at a price you can afford. Macro Plastics' Hybrid 44-FV. Reduced Delivery Costs The lightweight plastic bins are nested when shipped and the wood frames can be assembled once on site. BIRD CONTROL Call Today! 866-586-3888 7KH0RVW(HFWLYH %LUG6FDUH3URGXFW 8QSUHGLFWLEOH0RWLRQ %OLQGLQJ)ODVK PROTECT YOUR PROFIT$ HIGH DENSITY APPLE TREE HOLDER Irene & Ludwig Gohly 2520 - 6th Avenue Osoyoos BC Canada V0H 1V6 Tel: 1-250-495-2246 Fax: 1-250-495-4177 Patented in Canada & USA ¨ The current Good Fruit Grower magazine is available online as a PDF fl ipbook. ORCHARD SUPPLIES