Issue link: GOOD FRUIT GROWER JULY 2014 37 BINS OVS MACROBINS. The original PNW distributor. OVS offers the full range of MacroBins for sale and pick up in Oregon. Four convenient locations: Umatilla, Medford, McMinnville & Aurora. 800-653-2216, BIRD CONTROL WILSON IS THE LEADER in custom bird netting programs for all types of crops. Full line of bangers and bird irritant items. Call 509-453-9983. NATURAL CONTROL. The Ameri- can Kestrel Falcon will give you LOW COST bird control. Call Ben at Orchard Guard: 509-910-6598, www.orchard GUARANTEED BIRD CONTROL Try Bird Gard for an entire year. If you are not completely satisfi ed, simply return it for a complete refund of your pur- chase price. 888-332-2328 www.Bird- BLUEBERRY PLANTS BLUEBERRY NURSERY STOCK. Our focus is customer success. Best vari- ety selection. Plants available now. Impeccable service and grower sup- port. Fall Creek Nursery, www.fall- creeknursery .com, 800-538-3001. EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE COMMERCIAL FRUIT orchard man- ager wanted. Crown Orchard Com- pany, located in central Virginia is looking for an experienced, and highly motivated tree fruit orchard manager. The position involves all aspects of managing a commercial tree fruit pro- duction with the help of skilled support staff. Responsibilities will include man- aging and implementing crop protec- tion programs, training and managing field labor throughout the seasons. Executing an evolving food safety pro- gram will be key duties. Candidate will be highly organized and capable of multitasking. Profi ciency in English and Spanish will be expected. Please send résumé to, info@crownorchard. com. All inquires handled with confi - dentiality. TRIDENT, A NW soil fumigation com- pany, is looking to hire a sales repre- sentative that will work out of central Washington. Trident has been work- ing with high value crops in WA, OR, and ID since 1985. The PNW opera- tions is expanding into new crops and geographies. This is an opportunity to join an organization that growing it customer and geographic reach. Pri- mary responsibilities include manag- ing existing customers and accounts, developing new sales and markets, and coordinating and supervising the application of soil fumigants. Candi- date will work closely with farmers, growers, applicators, and suppliers. Some travel is required. Trident is looking for a self motivated individual with strong interpersonal skills. A four year Ag or related degree required. A back ground in soils, farming, tillage equipment, and some mechanical abilities are a plus. Strong interper- sonal skills and basic computer knowl- edge are needed. This is a salaried position with a full benefi ts package including health insurance, profit sharing, bonus, vehicle, etc. Email résumé to TAPjob search@tridentag. com. EASTERN WASHINGTON State large, growth oriented, and primarily organic apple orchard offering a FT position for an administrative assistant to the GM, as part of an experienced professional management team. Candidate must be computer and offi ce machine liter- ate and possess working skills in payroll processing & compliance. Ag back- ground a solid plus. Spanish language skills VERY important. Please send your résumé to: TNRBO LLC, P O Box 1148, Royal City WA 99357 attn: Jim/Mike ORCHARD MANAGER. Sundquist Fruit is currently accepting applica- tions for an Area Manager to oversee the operations of 500 acres of diversi- fi ed apples, pears, and cherries in the Yakima area. An ideal candidate will be an experienced horticulturist and manager with excellent interpersonal skills and exceptional work ethic. Duties not limited to production and harvest management, implementa- tion of IPM/nutrition, irrigation, GAP reporting, new plantings, logistics, & quality control. A well-qualifi ed can- didate will possess superb organiza- tional skills and an ability to lead and motivate a team. Bilingual English/ Spanish is a must. Competitive salary and benefi ts offered. Send résumé to PO Box 1308 Yakima, WA 98907 or hr@ EQUIPMENT REPAIR ALUMINUM ORCHARD LADDER re pair: We repair all brands of alumi- num ladders. Tallman factory author - ized. Call for drop off locations or pick-up. 509-884-1750 or 509-669-2822. FROST PROTECTION FROST OR FREEZE protection got you down? Warm up with AgHeat's propane heaters to protect your crops. Call or e-mail,, 541-400-4875. FRUIT TREES STAN PETERSON FRUIT Tree Sales, has available 42 varieties of Amer- ican Heirloom Cider Apples. Trees still available for 2014 from Hostetler Farms. 231-499-9292, stan@fruit-tree- QUALITY TREES for Quality Growers, sales agent for Van Well Nursery and C&O Nursery. Mike Anderson, 509-952- 3538.. FRUIT WANTED WANTED: OFF GRADE fruits. Multi- ple truckloads per year of juice stock grade fruit. Field run/sort outs/culls from grading labels. Will become juice for winemaking. Need packed frozen in 25/30 lb. pails/cartons or shallow one-way bins. Apple, blueberry, mar- ion blackberry, RS & DS cherry, peach, pear, plum, rhubarb, strawberry, also tropicals and vinifera grapes. Contact Herb Barber & Sons, 800-388-5384. www. FUMIGATION TRIDENT AGRICULTURAL Products, Inc., specializing in soil fumigation for orchards, vineyards, hops, berries, nurseries, and other crops. Hood River or The Dalles, 971-563-8848; Yakima and Wenatchee, 509-728-2004; Okan- ogan Valley and Columbia Basin, 509- 731-5424; Northwest Washington, 360-630-4285. CUSTOM ORCHARD fumigation Re-plant ing? No job too small. Call now to schedule your 2012 appli- cations. 509-687-9572 Serving all of Washington. Visit us at Custom OrchardFumigation .com GRAFTING SALVADOR ZARAGOSA professional grafting, chip budding, and budding bench grafting. We guarantee 95% take. Mobile, 509-961-2986. PROFESSIONAL GRAFTING and ser- vice. Small and large acreage. 20 years' experience. Jose Mendez, 509-584- 0034 or (mobile) 509-949-1321. COATES GRAFTING COMPANY, spe- cializing in top working cherries. Over 35 years experience. Ken Coates, 509- 662-1882; 509-668-0262 (mobile). GRAFTING AND BUDDING supplies. Two types graft machines, waxes, bud- ding rubbers. Top of the line grafting knives, online, 509- 453-9983. FULL SERVICE FIELD grafting includ- ing chainsawing. Over 25 years' expe- rience, with practically same crew for over 15 years. Gary McMonagle Graft- ing. 509-669-1686. ERNESTO ZAMORA, Professional Grafting. 15 years quality experience. Immediate and long-term satisfaction guaranteed. 509-689-0569 or 509-557- 5007. SCIONON®GRAFTING TOOLS get professional results and improved productivity. Exclusive distributor in the US/Canada. www.GraftingSystems .com. Matt Moser, toll free, 800-386- 5600. GROWER HOUSING SUPPLIES STURDY METAL BUNK beds and mat- tresses for H2-A farm worker hous- ing. Two week lead time from order to delivery. Free on-site delivery with larger orders. Call Crown Furniture, Wenatchee, WA, 509-663-4814 or 509- 670-4011; fax 509-663-6326; or e-mail today for a quote. SPECIAL "SLEEP PACKS" Available now! Includes 33" X 75" 3 lb sleeping bag, standard pillow and pillow case. Call or email for our best price! Crown Furniture, Wenatchee, WA, 509-663- 4814 or 509-670-4011; fax 509-663- 6326; or e-mail today for a quote. LADDERS 5 - 10 FT. LADDERS, $100 each. 5 – 6 ft. ladders, $80 each. rickherndon52@ ORCHARDS FOR SALE 20 ACRES cherries, 30 acres apples, 30 acres undeveloped, 85 total acres. Shop. Royal Slope, Washington area. Serious inquiries only. $1,500,000. 509-760-5484. ORCHARD LEASE WANTED LEASING FARMS? Dedicated and exper ienced farmer interested in leas- ing apple, cherry and pear farms in eastern Washington. Call 509-480-2196. ORCHARD SUPPLIES WILSON IS YOUR SOURCE for all types of fabric and plastics used in farming. Shade, wind screens, greenhouse fi lms, and mulches. 509-453-9983. WILSON'S HIGH Spanish style green - house tunnels. Early and in creased production and crop protection. www. 800-232-1174. OVS TRELLIS SUPPLIES. Largest selection available: Jim's Supply mfg posts, premium wood posts, Davis, Tree Island & import wire, bamboo, tying tape & supplies., etc. 800-653- 2216, PACKING EQUIPMENT USED PACKING EQUIPMENT: We spe- cialize in meeting your needs for used cherry, apple and soft fruit packing and hydro cooling equipment. We custom fabricate as well. Call 206-321-8378. FOR SALE: NEST/STACK harvesting lugs. Herb Barber & Sons, (800) 388- 5384 or (716) 326-4692, e-mail: sue@; www.herb-bar- PORTABLE HYDROCOOLER and small cherry line with sizer and cluster cutter, could be used as Rainier line. 206-321-8378. NEW AND USED packing equipment: Pomona Dry Dumper. Complete pack- ing line, 42 drops, 5 lanes wide, stain- less steel dumper, destacker/restacker. We manufacture new equipment and have a variety of used apple packing equipment. We have new and used repackers. See available equipment on our website at www.nolanandsonsnw. com. Nolan & Sons Northwest, Inc., Naches, WA, 509-678-0800, edn@nolan 100 8/2 ¼ LBS. Van Doren cherry box baggers, excellent condition, various types & sizes. 47 Full Euro 12/2 lbs. baggers, 100 Washington Box 8 hole. 541-354-2365. ROOTSTOCKS TRECO® ROOTSTOCKS mean quality. Buy from the industry leader. TRECO has supplied 60 percent of the nation's malus rootstock needs to the nurser- ies for more than 70 years. Go directly to the source and buy the root stocks trusted and preferred by the major nurseries: TRECO; PO Box 98, Wood- burn, OR 97071. Ph: 1-800-871-5141; fax: 503-634-2344; e-mail: rootstocks@ or Web site: FIRDALE NURSERY, certified apple rootstocks: EMLA 7, EMLA 106, EMLA 111, M 9 (337) and BUD 9. Beaverton, OR. 503-628-2755. CARLTON PLANTS, LLC is a quality grower of virus-certifi ed rootstocks and seedlings for fruit, fl owering, and shade trees. Apple: M9-NIC, M26, M7, M25, MM106, MM111, domestic. Cherry: Mazzard, Mahaleb. Pear: cal leryana, communis. Plum: M29C, St. Julian. For questions or to place an order, please call our sales department, 800-398- 8733 or fax 800-442-1452. COPENHAVEN FARMS NURSERY. "We're at the Root of The Business." Quality Oregon-grown rootstock and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Specializing in virus-free apple, cherry, plum, and pear root- stock since 1982. Christopher and Marilyn Dolby 503-985-7161; Fax: 503- 985-7876. E-mail: copenhavenfarms @, www.copenhavenfarms. com. WILLAMETTE NURSERIES offers Oregon-grown, virus-certified fruit tree rootstock, including popular M.9 clones and fruit tree seedlings (apple, cherry, pear and plum.) Excellent quality, reasonably priced. Outstand- ing service. Visit our updated web- site, including availabilities, at: www. Willamette Nurseries, 25571 S. Barlow Rd., Canby, OR 97013. 800-852-2018, 503-263- 6405. E-mail: CERTIFIED VIRUS FREE M9-T337 rootstock for Spring 2015 delivery. Order now by calling 509-833-3486 anytime. SPRAYERS COMPLETE LINE of sprayers. Swihart Sales Company, Quinter, KS. 800-864- 4595, STAKES / POSTS / POLES QUALITY PAYS—PRINCETON Wood Pre servers pressure-treated posts, poles. Quoted by truckload. #10-477 Martin St., Penticton, B.C. V2A 5L2. Plant phone: 250-492-9190, fax: 250- 492- 175, toll free, 877-797-7678. E-mail:; Web: www. PANHANDLE FOREST PRODUCTS: Quality posts, poles, and stakes. CCA pressure-treated, with delivery. Par ti al loads. 888-289-7678; www.panhandle .com. POSTS, POLES, AND STAKES: Pres- sure treated in the USA. Vari ous sizes and lengths. Untreated available for organic growers. Jasper En ter prises, Inc.; PO Box 102; Chat taroy, WA 99003; phone 800-238-6540; or e-mail sales@ STEEL APPLE and grape trellis. Custom systems available. Bam- boo, treated wood, top of the line quality and service. Online catalog. Wilson Vine yard and Orchard Sup- ply, Yakima, W A. 509-453-9983, www. wilsonirr .com. TREE SPREADERS BEST PRICING: notched and nailed. Wilson, 509-453-9983. TREEAGE, TREEHEALTH, Treeform, TreeFruit! TREE TRAINING TREE TRAINING and trellis supplies online at TRELLIS SUPPLIES FREE TRELLIS SUPPLIES CATALOG – Planting guidelines, trellis designs and products and more. Visit www.ovs. com to download your free copy! OVS TRELLIS SUPPLIES. Largest selection available: Jim's Supply mfg posts, premium wood posts, Davis, Tree Island & import wire, bamboo, tying tape & supplies., etc. 800-653- 2216, WIND MACHINES CHINOOK WIND MACHINES, sales/ service. All makes, new/used. H.F. Hauff Company, Inc., 509-248-0318. CASCADE WIND MACHINE Service, distributor of Orchard-Rite® wind machines. PO Box 9308; Yakima, WA 98909, phone 509-457-9196; Wenat- chee, WA 509-662-2753; British Colum bia, 250-495-7245. WIND MACHINE SALES: sales/ser- vice, new and used wind machines. 509-877-2138. CLASSIFIED 509-853-3520 800-487-9946 509-853-3521 fax classifi ed advertising is effective and economical CLASSIFIED ADS are $1.29 per word per insertion. Ads up to ten words are charged a minimum of $12.00. Include name, address, and phone number in fi guring the cost. Count hy phenated words as two words. Count each initial, abbre- viation, symbol, whole number, as one word. State and zip code count as two words. BLIND BOX SERVICE is available for additional $10.00 per issue (plus word count). Re plies forwarded daily, postage paid.