Issue link: GOOD FRUIT GROWER JULY 2014 7 Prairie cherries available Dear Good Fruit Grower: O ne of our customers just told us about an article in your magazine about University of Saskatchewan cherries ("Prairie cherries," May 15, 2014, issue). She just purchased 127 Crimson Passion cherry trees from us to add to her orchard. She mentioned that the article stated that the cherries are only available in the United States from Growers Alive. This is true in the sense that they have exclusive rights to propagate the Romance Series including Romeo, Juliet, Cupid and Valentine. However, Carmine Jewel and Crimson Passion fall outside that contract, and we have been selling these virus-indexed varieties since 2010. Jim and Bernis Ingvaldson Honeyberry USA Bagley, Minnesota Harold Broughton, 1933—2014 H arold Broughton, a fourth-generation fruit grower who lived in Washington State and Col- orado, died April 29 at his home. Harold was born Septem- ber 13, 1933, and raised on an orchard in Montrose, Col- orado. After serving in the Marine Corps, he managed Keystone Fruit Company in Riverside, Washington, and owned 35 acres of Red and Golden Delicious trees that he planted with his brother, Bob. In 1962, Harold and his family moved back to Colorado, where he managed Broughton fam- ily orchards in Grand Junction and in Olathe. In 1966, Harold and Don Broughton and Garner McKnight built Hi-Quality Pack- ing, Inc., in Delta, with Raymond and Melvin White joining as partners. Les Womack and Bob White were later brought in as partners. In 1985, Harold partnered with Jerry Holton in Homestead Orchards. Harold is survived by his wife of 59 years, Carol Ann Pratt, his college sweetheart. Other survivors include his brothers Melvin Broughton and Bob Broughton, daughters Cheryl Holton, Karen Tice, Susan Luna, his granddaughters Desirea Scott, Nicole Holton, Demi Luna, Soraya Luna, and great-grandchildren Anais Scott and Toby Scott. Meeting Tree Fruit and Berry Pest Control Needs New Biopesticide Advances IPM and IRM Programs W hether producing for processed or fresh markets, tree fruit and berry growers face a number of management issues beyond just applying an effective insect control program. Consideration must be given to worker and consumer safety, responsible pesticide usage, and quality standards mandated by the marketplace. These, along with other issues, dictate that only pesticide products that are efficacious, have short pre-harvest (PHI) and re-entry (REI) intervals and can meet maximum residue levels (MRL) tolerances are likely to continue as viable choices in fruit and berry insect control programs. As a result, more and more tree fruit and berry growers are looking to the development and introduction of next-generation, low-risk biopesticides. These environmentally-friendly biopesticides offer the benefits of improved pesticide performance, operational flexibility, and serve as reliable additions to IPM and resistance management programs. VENERATE TM , a highly efficacious bioinsecticide from Marrone Bio Innovations, is the latest in advanced generation biopesticides. Providing broad-spectrum protection against sucking and chewing insects and mites and possessing very favorable environmental characteristics, VENERATE can strengthen fruit and berry pest and resistance management programs. Low Risk of Resistance The sources of VENERATE's bioactivity are diverse chemical compounds—extracted from a newly discovered bacterium—that deliver unique modes of action. The complexity of these multiple modes of action makes it very difficult for insects, such as plum curculio and thrips, to develop resistance to VENERATE—effectively establishing a "near-zero" risk potential for resistance development. Operational Flexibility VENERATE is available in an easy-to-use liquid formulation that contains no VOCs. It can be applied by air or ground with no limit on the number or frequency of applications per season. This flexible application profile allows growers and crop consultants to adapt to the uncertainties of seasonal pest pressures and overcome pre-harvest interval (PHI) restrictions associated with many chemicals. Its zero-day PHI and residue level (MRL) exemption enables growers to protect crops right up to the day of harvest, which helps preserve crop quality and ensure marketability. Single Application 'HOLYHUV0XOWLSOH%HQHÀWV Replacing even a single application of a synthetic insecticide with VENERATE can drive multiple benefits. First, it will reduce total residue levels on the crop. Second, it can help extend the useful life of the synthetic that may be needed in high pest pressure situations. Finally, for chemical insecticides with frequency-of-use restrictions, VENERATE can help ensure those restrictions will not be exceeded while protection of the crop is maintained. Eco-Friendly VENERATE also offers an excellent eco-profile that is nontoxic to fish, birds, and most beneficial insects, and it reduces chemical pesticide exposure to workers and consumers. VENERATE joins Marrone Bio Innovations' GRANDEVO ® bioinsecticide in providing fruit and berry growers with two versatile, advanced biopesticide options—with complementary modes of action—that will strengthen their IPM and IRM programs. Control All Season Long Fruit and berry growers can use VENERATE and GRANDEVO throughout the growing season—right up to the day of harvest. GRANDEVO is also non- toxic to honey bees and is recommended for use during critical pollination periods and when bees are active. VENERATE and GRANDEVO are paving the way for new and innovative uses of microbial pesticides. Whether used in a rotation or tank mix, these biopesticides provide ecologically superior IPM and pesticide resistance solutions to fruit and berry growers. For more information on biopesticides from Marrone Bio Innovations, visit or email ©2014 Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. All rights reserved. Marrone Bio Innovations, GRANDEVO, VENERATE, and the VENERATE logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. All other trademarks and company names are the property of their respective owners. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 VENERATE TM Imidan ® Untreated Control Treatments applied 3 times. Treatments evaluated on Jun 15, 2013 % Fruit with at Least 1 Sting Plum Curculio on Apples BAAR Scientific LLC, NY No Statistical Difference Carmine Jewel — PAID ADVERTISEMENT — IN THE BOX Want to share your opinion? Write us at 105 S. 18th St., #217 Yakima, WA 98901 or e-mail growing@