Vineyard & Winery Management

July/August 2014

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1. Vineyard & Winery Management editor Tina Caputo moderates a discussion about commu- nicating with wine bloggers, featuring (left to right) David White of, Joe Rob- erts of and Fredric Koeppel of 2. Attendees learn about organoleptic evalua- tion in a sommelier certification seminar. 3. Chris Pearmund of Pearmund Cellars in Virginia moderates a session for wine industry newcomers. 4. Tour de Brew attendees taste local craft beers at Capital Ale House in Richmond. 5. Advanced enology session attendees eval- uate wines during technical tastings. 6. Theresa Robertson and Melissa Bartlett show off their Level 1 Wine Sommelier certifi- cates, earned through the International Wine Guild workshop. 7. Bob White of Quail Vineyards in Maryland and Susan Watson of Robin Hill Farm & Vine- yards in Maryland sample craft beer while touring the trade show. 8. Matthew Weintraub, instructor at B.R.E.W. FIU at Florida International University, leads a brewing session. 9. Eric Watson of the American Distilling Institute explains production techniques in the Distilling 101 workshop. 10. (Left to right) Jim Trezise, New York Wine & Grape Foundation; Donniella Winchell, Ohio Wine Producers Association; Kevin Atticks, Maryland Wineries Association; Mark Friszolowski, Childress Vineyards; and Mark Chandler, former executive director of WineAmerica, discuss regional issues affect- ing eastern wineries. 11. Conference-goers tour the trade show floor. 1. 2. 3. 6. 6. 6. 7. 5. 4. 8. 10. 11. 9. w w w. v w m m e d i a . c o m J u l y - A u g 2 014 | V I N E YA R D & W I N E RY M A N A G E M E N T 9 1

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