
July 2014

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JULY 2014 | BRAVAMAGAZINE.COM 43 ŀOUGHJUST"NNˬ%ICKSONHˬSBEEN showing off her love affair with food and her chops for cooking for almost two de- cades. She began making breakfast for her family at age 8 (only setting off the ǠREˬLˬRMONCE #YSHEWˬSWˬLKING to the local New Glarus grocery store to shop, (dad's credit card in her pocket) to supply the menus she was creating. Later SHEˬTTENDEDTHE'RENCH$ULINˬRY*NSTI- tute in California and landed a job at the world-famous farm-to-table California restaurant, Manresa. #UTHERDESIRETOBECLOSETOFˬMILYLED HERBˬCKHOMEIN5ODˬYˬSEX- ecutive chef at Merchant, she creates a seasonal rotation of dishes that elevate THEBESTǢˬVORS4OUTHERN8ISCONSINHˬS to offer. Dickson visits her 98-year-old grandmother for daily inspiration. "She had the most beautiful garden in Monti- cello, and taught me what it meant to be part of a community," says Dickson. Dickson is guided by her passion for locally grown food. She shops the Madi- son markets every week with a large yellow wagon and lets the offerings shape her menu. She's an experienced gar- dener and knows the seasons, but there ˬREˬLWˬYSREVELˬTIONS0NTHEDˬYWE SHOPPEDSHEWˬSDELIGHTEDTOǠNDBˬS- kets of tiny, plump strawberries earlier than anticipated. Her advice to the home cook shopping any market: "Try not to over-plan—buy what's in season and work around it." ŀIS WILL BE MOST DELICIOUS ˬND MOST affordable. Dickson's recommended pantry staples are basic: a variety of salts (sea and smoked) and freshly cracked black pepper—most people, she believes, underestimate the delectability of a veg- etable well-dusted with black pepper. Dickson's favorite go-to summer reci- PE 'RESHHOMEMˬDERICOTTˬPˬIREDWITH the season's most perfect vegetables and FRUITSˬLONGSIDEˬLOˬFOF'RENCHBREˬD Lunch or dinner is served. CHEF ANNA DICKSON OF MERCHANT 5HE4EˬSONmS#OUNTY

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