July 2014

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Someone You Should Know July 2014 | Construction Equipment Distribution | www.cedmag.com | 51 Most of my clients give Giclee prints to their clients and employees and use the image in marketing materials. Their logos are generally displayed in a subtle way in the art, so they really get a lot of mileage for their investment." Burns has worked with many differ- ent industries, including high tech, bio tech, galleries and art dealers. "I have found those involved in the construction industry to be down to earth, cash and carry men and women," he said. "I've worked closely with CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies and my experience has always been positive. They're big boys with big toys, and huge budgets." Burns' most recent painting project is Distant Fires, a theater production scheduled to appear on Broadway. The humorous play is about a crew of high rise construc- tion workers arguing their way up the "ladder of opportunity." "It's a play about these hard-work- ing people who are building America," he said. Burns is painting construction scene backdrops for the set. At the age of 60, as he contem- plates his future painting options, Burns notes that seascapes and landscapes also capture his attention. "I would love to have a show in France and here on the island," Burns said. "Of course, with notoriety comes larger commissions, so that would be nice. From a philosophical point of view, I believe there is beauty and intrigue in all God's wondrous creation if you just open your aware- ness and stop looking for something that has already found you." More information about Brad Burns and his work is available at www. constructionfineart.com. **&¶VXQGHUZULWLQJSDUWQHULV $P7UXVW,QWHUQDWLRQDOZKLFKLV$UDWHG E\$0%HVWZLWKRYHU\HDUVRI FROOHFWLYHXQGHUZULWLQJH[SHULHQFHLQWKH &RQVWUXFWLRQDQG$JULFXOWXUDO(TXLSPHQW JOREDOPDUNHWV **&KDVRYHU\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFH DGPLQLVWUDWLQJH[WHQGHGSURWHFWLRQSODQV 7KLVHQVXUHVFRPSHWLWLYHSUHPLXPVZKLOH DOVRSURYLGLQJIDLUDQGUHDVRQDEOHFODLPV UHLPEXUVHPHQW **&¶VNQRZOHGJHDQGH[SHULHQFH DOORZVIRUWKHFUHDWLRQRIWDLORUPDGH SURJUDPVWRPHHWDQ\QHHG\RXPD\KDYH $QLQWHUQHWDFFHVVLEOHDGPLQLVWUDWLYH V\VWHPWKDWLVHIûFLHQWDQGXVHUIULHQGO\ **&UHLPEXUVHVSDUWVDWFXVWRPHU OLVWSULFHDQGODERUDWVKRSUDWHRQDOO DSSURYHGFODLPV **&¶VSURJUDPSURYLGHVSHDFHRIPLQG IRU\RXUFXVWRPHUNQRZLQJWKDWWKHLU HTXLSPHQWLVSURWHFWHG **&DGPLQLVWUDWLYHFODLPVRIûFH ORFDWHGLQ6W6LPRQV,VODQG*D Vice President Operations 6ODGH5RZODQG Vice President Sales 5LFN6WDF\ Eastern Territory Manager *UHJ6FKXOW] Midwest Territory Manager 5\DQ&DUWHU Western Territory Managers -HUHP\&RFNURIW %ULDQ)UHLWDJ **&RIIHUVH[WHQGHGVHUYLFHSURWHFWLRQ SODQVIRU1HZDQG8VHG(TXLSPHQW 3RZHU7UDLQ3RZHU7UDLQ+\GUDXOLFV DQG)XOO0DFKLQH 8VHG(TXLSPHQWWHUPVDYDLODEOHIURP PRQWKVWR\HDUV 1HZ(TXLSPHQWWHUPVDYDLODEOHIURP \HDUVWR\HDUV **&RIIHUVVXSHULRUDGPLQLVWUDWLYH FDSDELOLWLHVYLDWKHLQWHUQHWWKURXJKRXU XVHUIULHQGO\ZHEVLWHwww.glynngeneral.com. ,PPHGLDWHWXUQDURXQGRITXRWHV &RQûUPDWLRQRIWKHWHUPVDQG FRQGLWLRQVIRUDOODYDLODEOHVHUYLFH FRQWUDFWV (IûFLHQWHQUROOLQJRIXQLWVZLWKDXWR PDWLFLQYRLFLQJ 8VHUIULHQGO\FODLPVSURFHVVLQJUHVXOW LQJLQVDWLVIDFWRU\FODLPVUHLPEXUVHPHQW $FFRXQWDFFHVVDOORZLQJIRUFRQVWDQW PRQLWRULQJRI\RXUZDUUDQW\SURJUDP

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