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2 AUGUST 2014 Good Fruit Grower Properly timed applications of Agro-K's KDL ® 0-0-24, can dramatically enhance brix, color development, and uniform maturity in all grapes. Increasing brix and color can improve juice phenolic compound levels resulting in measurable increased wine quality. KDL's unique formulation links potassium to a sugar complex that can quickly penetrate plant tissue – encouraging sugar development in the leaf and transport into the fruit. Even when tissue analysis shows adequate K levels, KDL provides a rapid increase in brix that also encourages color development and phenolics. KDL also improves uniform maturity helping to minimize harvesting passes. To find out how KDL can be a part of your comprehensive science- based nutrition program, call 800-328-2418, visit www.agro-k. com, or email 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% KDL Nutrient Program gallic acid polymeric anthocyanins monomeric anthocyanins malvidin quercetin aglycone quercetin glycosides caffeic acid caftaric acid polymeric phenols epicatechin catechin Average of Controls 7 & 8 AGRO-K CORpORAtiOn 8030 Main Street, NE • Minneapolis, MN 55432 800-328-2418 • Help ensure your grape crop makes great wine. KDL ® Pinot noir Juice Treatment Bunch Weight (lbs.)/5 vines Brix pH %K KDL Nutrient Program 93.8 25.2 3.48 0.066 Control #7 90.0 23.5 3.45 0.073 Control #8 93.0 23.9 3.50 0.072 1) Fully replicated trial conducted by Hale Agricultural Services, Santa Maria CA Trial location Kendall Jackson Vineyards, Santa Maria, CA 2) Juice data generated from replicated samples by Dr. Ken Fugelsang, Dept of Enology and Viticulture, Fresno State Univ. Science-Driven Nutrition SM