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Carter retires from Hort Council D eborah Carter, technical issues manager at the Northwest Horticultural Council, based in Yakima, Washington, will retire at the end of August. She has been with the council since 2006 and has worked on issues such as food safety and chemical and pesticide regula- tions. She has represented the tree fruit industry on several national groups, such as the Center for Produce Safety, United Fresh Produce Association, and the Produce Mar- keting Association, and has supported the Pacific North- west Food Safety Committee. She has also worked with the industry to negotiate Washington State Department of Ecology regulations for packing houses and worked with the departments of agriculture in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington on state issues, such as specialty crop block grants and pesticide labels. She maintains the Hort Council's database of maximum residue levels for pesticides in more than 60 countries. Carter, 62, received the Washington State Horti- cultural Association's award for Women's Leadership Through Science in 2013. She has a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the Ohio Dominican University in Columbus, Ohio, and was principal research scientist at Battelle Columbus Labs in Ohio for a decade. She has also worked for the Landec Corporation, Monsanto, and Pace International. For five years before joining the Hort Council staff, she ran her own grant-writing and consulting business in Yakima. After retiring, she and her husband, Vern, plan to do more community work and volunteer with the Red Cross for disaster services. They will go on a mission trip to an orphanage in Swaziland this fall. Carter said she appreciated the opportunity to work with the tree fruit industry. "I cannot think of a more intelligent, insightful, forward-thinking, inviting group with whom I can finish a professional career." UC hires apiculturist D r. Elina Lastro Niño, a bee scientist known interna- tionally for her expertise on honeybee queen biol- ogy, has joined the University of California, Davis, as Extension apiculturist, an expert on beekeeping. She succeeds Dr. Eric Mussen, who retired in June after 38 years in the position. Niño previously was a National Institute of Food and Agriculture postdoctoral fellow at Pennsylvania State Universitys Center for Pollinator Research. She received a bachelors degree in animal science from Cornell Uni- versity, a masters degree in entomology from North Car- olina State University, and her doctorate from Penn State in 2012. At UC Davis, she will spend 70 percent of her time conducting research on honeybees and also provide outreach to commercial and backyard beekeepers. Mussen will continue to work as an advisor in an emeritus capacity. Good Fruit Grower AUGUST 2014 5 Deborah Carter CORRECTION: H-2A guarantee I n the article "Growers make H-2A work," in the May 1 issue of Good Fruit Grower, it was erroneously stated that H-2A employers are required to provide work to employees for a minimum of 75 percent of the contracted hours even in the event of a crop failure. In fact, if workers are no longer needed for reasons beyond the employer's control, such as fire, weather, or other act of God, the employer may terminate the work contract. In such an event, the employer must fulfill a three- fourths guarantee for the time from the start of the work contract to the time it was terminated and make efforts to transfer the worker to other comparable employment. Elina Lastro Niño 509/662-6931 1261 Ringold Rd., PO Box 300 • Eltopia, WA 99330 We ship nationwide, so please call for price and availability! Time TO Order ROOTSTOCK • 2016 Sleeping Eyes • 2017 Trees PAUL TVERGYAK 509-669-0689 CONTRACTS for 2015 and beyond! Custom Contracted Apple, Pear, Cherry & Peach Trees ✔TOP QUALITY ✔VIRUS TESTED ✔VERY COMPETITIVE PRICING HIGHEST QUALITY FRUIT TREES ! Call for: • TREES • ROOTSTOCK • INTERSTEMS • BENCH GRAFTS • SLEEPING EYES • ROYALTIES Good J ob Industry people in the news.