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54 AUGUST 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER Fresh Cab repels rodents F resh Cab is a natural rodent repellent for indoor control of mice and rats without poisons, traps, or toxic chemicals. The pat- ented blend of plant fibers and botanical extracts, including balsam fi r oil, is produced by Earth-Kind. For more information, check the website Oxbo sells vineyard product line O xbo International Corporation is transfer- ring ownership of its vineyard mechaniza- tion (VMech) product line to Midwest Grower Supply of Stanberry, Missouri, which has been Oxbo's distributor of grape harvesters and vineyard tools in the Midwest, Southeast, and South. As a result, Midwest Grower Supply expects to provide the vineyard industry with new and improved mechanization tools as well as parts and products support. Oxbo will continue to focus on is core business in spe- cialty harvesters. Sap test shows tree health S ap analysis is a new diagnostic tool that can reveal crop nutrition defi ciencies four to six weeks sooner than conventional dry matter tests. This means that growers can quickly adjust their nutrient programs before the trees show signs of nutrient defi ciencies or excesses. The sap analysis technique was developed by NovaCropControl in the Netherlands and is distributed in the United States by Crop Health Laboratories. It can be used on more than a hundred different crops, including tree fruits, to determine their health status. Sap analysis carries the same diagnostic value as a blood sample, according to Crop Health Laboratories. It allows growers to save on fertility inputs by providing trees with a precise diet based on their actual demand. The nutrient fl ow can be tracked throughout the growing season and compared to target values at each stage of development. Sap samples are sent to NovaCropCon- trol in the Netherlands for analysis, but Crop Health Laboratories plans to open its own testing facilities in the United States in 2016. For more information, check the website A selection of the latest products and services for tree fruit and grape growers. GOOD STUFF Recall Readiness Workshop Are you Ready? •Recall Team Roles & Responsibilities •Communication & Notification •Recall Flowchart tasks and timing •Records,Trace-back, & Product Removal •Prepare for Regulators •Recall Plan Builder Register with Bethany at 1-800-545-4206 or Who: Expert Speakers assist your Recall Team Where: Wenatchee CTC When: August 12 What are you waiting for? Register with Bethany at What are you waiting for? Pruning tips U .K. fruit experts Roger Worraker and Malcolm Withnall have published The Apple Pruning Manual, which they say is the fi rst commercial pruning book to be published in more than 50 years. The paperback book explains the basic principles of pruning that are applicable to all growing systems, whether intensive or extensive, and provides an introduction to modern pruning practices. It gives illustrated variety-specifi c guidance on pruning dessert apples and includes chapters on cider apples and pears. The book is sponsored by Sainsbury's. For information or to order a copy, e-mail