August 2014

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Page 26 of 67

Highway Funding August 2014 | Construction Equipment Distribution | www.cedmag.com | 25 (continued on next page) transportation issues and impact of federal investment on equipment distributors. To our surprise, until recently few understood how dire the highway crisis had become. Never underestimate how myopic Congress can be. Working with allies. AED is major funder of Washington, D.C.'s leading surface transporta- tion coalition, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Americans for Transpor- tation Mobility, and sits on ATM's steering committee. AED is also a leading member of the Transporta- tion Construction Coalition, which is co-chaired by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association and Associated General Contractors of America. These coalitions create a forum to share intelligence and coordinate direct and grassroots lobbying activities. Participating in public events to ring alarm bells. AED is working hard to raise the visibility of the high- way crisis on Capitol Hill and beyond by participating in events focused on infrastructure. Most recently, on June 25 AED Chairman Tim Watters, president of Hoffman Equipment in Piscataway, N.J., participated in a Capitol Hill press conference organized by Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) Grassroots engagement. AED members are the key to our success on the advocacy front. AED's Washington staff is working with distributors around the country to coordinate facility visits by members of Congress. Those visits are an opportunity for lawmakers to learn about how highway investment contributes to the economy "back home" and meet employees who are affected by the votes they cast on Capitol Hill. AED is also coordinating joint letters from dealers in key states to their congressional delegations. Bringing new data to the table. AED has sponsored a series of economic studies by public policy &KHFNRXW;/6SHFLDOL]HG7UDLOHUVƊ/RZ 3URILOH+'*DQGWKHIXOOOLQHRIPDUNHWOHDGLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQKHDY\KDXOWUDLOHUV XL 110 Hydraulic Folding Gooseneck <00S[4VS½PI,(+ WWW.XLSPECIALIZEDTRAILER.COM/AED 877.283.4852 toll free | 563.927.4900 phone FXVWRPHQJLQHHUHGVROXWLRQVIRU\RXUXQLTXHORDGV '(6,*1(')25<28 %8,/772/$67 <00S[4VS½PI,(+

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