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Call for SMA Board Candidates The Nominations Committee is soliciting qualified SMA members for inclusion on the ballot for three Board vacancies and the office of Vice President beginning in 2012. When nominating, please consider the following leadership characteristics as well as the bylaw requirements listed below. • Proven performance. Leadership requires knowledge, talent, skill, vitality, and the abil- ity to make a difference. In the association environment, that translates into a solid track record of contributing to the success of pro- grams, events, or projects. • Commitment. Serving as an association lead- er is an honor and a reward—but it requires a demonstrated commitment to the organization and its mission and goals. • Time to serve. Participating fully in associa- tion activities requires extra time to prepare for, travel to, and attend meetings. • Good health. The often hectic and strenuous pace of volunteer leadership requires a good mental and physical condition. • Understanding of teamwork. Many people contribute their efforts toward the realization of an association’s goals and objectives—no one does it alone. Well-developed interper- sonal and communication skills are essential to effective teamwork. • Sound judgment and integrity. In many instances, popularity brings potential leaders into the limelight of the association. But popu- larity must be tempered with good judgment and integrity: decisions may need to be made that are not popular among the members. • Communication and teaching skills. Current leaders serve as mentors and teachers to future leaders. Enthusiasm—a zest for serv- ing the association—is an important ingredi- ent that leaders must be able to pass along to their successors. • Ability to subordinate special interests. Leaders often emerge because of their special expertise or effective representation of a spe- cific membership constituency. Leadership, however, may require subordinating those special interests for the greater good of the entire association. • Exemplary personal conduct. Leaders’ behavior and attitudes can greatly influence others in the association. As a result, it’s vital for them to have and exhibit sensitiv- ity to race, ethnicity, gender, age, and other human differences. • Support systems. The extra effort required of volunteer leaders involves a substantial time commitment. Not only does this need to be understood by the person’s employer but also by his or her family and friends. In addition to the previous leadership characteristics and attributes, the following is required by SMA bylaws of nominees: For a member to be nominated for an office, he/she must have been a professional member in good standing for the last three (3) years and have attended one (1) of the past two (2) Society Annual meetings, or have par- ticipated in an SMA-sponsored event such as ISA PA Day or the Municipal Forestry Institute, or have served on an SMA committee within the past two (2) years. Nominees for Vice President shall, in addition, have a minimum of three (3) years of experience in the employ of a govern- mental unit while providing arboricultural/urban forestry services and a minimum of one (1) year of experience as a member of the Executive Board. To nominate someone, please email the following infor- mation to Nominations Committee Chair Jay Banks, at banksjs@visuallink.c om • Name, address, email address, and phone number of nominator • Name, address, email address, and phone number of nominee • Nominee’s place of employment, title, and area of expertise • Why is the individual a good candidate for the SMA Board of Directors? • Has this candidate had other nonprofit board experience? 27