SMA 47th International Conference and Trade Show “What’s Brewing in Urban Forestry”
September 25-28, 2011 • Hyatt Regency, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Register at:
Pre-Conference Events Sunday September 25, 2011 Pre-Conference Workshops
Separate Registration/Fee Required (Note that pre-conference workshops are on SUNDAY this year)
11:30 am – 3:30 pm Branch Sampling Technique for Early Detection of Emerald Ash Borer in Urban Environments
Dr. Krista L. Ryall, Canadian Forest Service, Great Lakes Forestry Centre, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario
Early (incipient) infestations of emerald ash borer (EAB) in urban areas are difficult, if not impossible, to detect on the basis of examining trees for signs and symptoms of EAB. This is because EAB mostly attacks branches during the early phase of the infestation (Ryall et al. in press), usually in locations that are difficult to see from the ground.
Branch sampling detects incipient infestations with greater frequency than visual inspections or bark windows (Ryall et al. unpublished data), two commonly used methods of rating trees for infestation by EAB. Dr. Ryall’s EAB Branch Sampling Technique has been demonstrated to be effective in detecting active EAB infestations in 74% of asymptomatic ash trees sampled.
Early detection provides valuable time for forest managers to develop and enact control strategies. This technique can also be used to provide estimates of EAB density on infested trees and to delimit the extent of outbreaks. This workshop will present current research findings relating to this improved detection method, including options and recommendations for large population sampling and hands-on training in branch sampling protocols.
11:30 am – 3:30 pm Bridging the Interdepartmental Divide: Using Your Urban Forest Management Tools to Build Partnerships within Your Municipality
Josh Behounek, Davey Resource Group City Trees